6 Verbs to Use for the Word intentness

She felt the questioning intentness of Sheriff Munn's eyes on her stolid face and she felt that he did not miss the tremor in her eyes.

The millionaire's gaze gradually lost its intentness and grew remote.

He leaned forward, gazing with peculiar, almost passionate intentness, into the faces of the people as they swept along Broadway.

Though she watched him thenceforward, not one glance did he vouchsafe to his jealous sweetheart, and never for an instant withdrew his eyes from Martha, or relaxed the unnatural intentness of his gaze.

Raymond's firmness shook her faith in her own claims, and a blind desire to wound and destroy replaced her usual business-like intentness on gaining her end.

But they stood with the angry glare revealing a strange and sinister intentness in their drawn faces and ominous speculations in their evil eyes.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  intentness