8 Verbs to Use for the Word los

Let him enter the world of fiction, or of poetry, or of history, he has but to call for whomsoever he will, and the Materialized Spirit will answer: 'Lo!

"What do I care whetherHal-lo!

Dear Sir, After much running about, some presents to Chiefs, we had collected at the Mingo Town near 200 Savages chiefly ShawaneseWhen lo!

When they are filled full with sin, they cry 'Lo!

Los oficiales que advirtieron la taciturna tristeza de su camarada, le sacaron del éxtasis en que se encontraba sumergido, y presentándole una copa, exclamaron en coro: ¡Vamos, brindad vos, que sois el único que no lo ha hecho en

So JEAMES PHYSKE went straightway unto DEDREW and said unto him, "Lo!

'If he speak two more words,' they said, 'The slave is more than the free; If he speak three more words,' they said, 'The stars are under the sea.' Said the King of the East to the King of the West, I wot his frown was set, 'Lo; let us slay him and make him as dung, It is well that the world forget.

King Alfred's noble head was bent, A monarch's pain his bosom rent; Kindly he wrung Thane Egbert's hand "Lo! these have won the blissful land, Where foeman's shout is heard no more, Nor wild waves beat upon the shore; Brief was the pang, the strife is o'er They are at peace, my friend!

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  los