12 Verbs to Use for the Word pedal

"The powerful engine in front of him woke into life deafeningly and, waving away the mechanics holding the wings, he pressed the clutch pedal and moved slowly forward.

Joe held the machine upright while Blake vaulted to the forward saddle and began to work the pedals to start the motor.

I'll be glad to if you'll carry the soft pedal.

From Wasserburg, Leopold Mozart writes, "We went up to the organ to amuse ourselves, where I explained the pedals to Wolfgang.

His mood brightened, and he floored the gas pedal.

By ingeniously scattering the notes of a chord over the keyboard while holding down the pedal, he practically gave the player three or four hands, and greatly enlarged the harmonic and coloristic possibilities of the pianoforte.

Pedal movements: three affecting great and pedal stops, three affecting swell and pedal stops; great to pedal reversing pedal; crescendo and full organ pedal; balanced great and choir pedal; balanced swell pedal.

She plied the pedals with vigor, and he ran alongside or behind, as best he could; she excited, and he out of breath.

He would always be a second, of course, but his frame had rigidity now, his lamps sparkled, he gripped the wheel with purposeful hands and trampled the pedals in the way an engine likes.

For they have learned that the successful candidate must marry the daughter of the man in whose shoes they would fain have trodden the pedals.

Pedal movements: three affecting great and pedal stops, three affecting swell and pedal stops; great to pedal reversing pedal; crescendo and full organ pedal; balanced great and choir pedal; balanced swell pedal.

I'm always afraid when I'm carrying pianos up-stairs of breaking the soft pedal or dropping a few octaves.

12 Verbs to Use for the Word  pedal