10 Verbs to Use for the Word twitchings

" As she gazed at him she saw his hands clenched, his mouth twitching.

For a while he amused himself by using his curious power, alternately waking the squirrel and allowing it to bound off, tail twitching, and then calling it back, slowly but inexorably to climb his trousers and curl up on his knee and sleep an uncanny and deep sleep which might end only at the young man's pleasure.

"I've been a hard man, Bobby" He broke off, his bearded lips twitching.

One sat quite still, her hands in her lap, her head bent, admirably self-contained; the other was restless and uneasy, unable to control a nervous twitching of the fingers.

" Mr. Tredgold, sitting grave and silent, made no reply to these charges, and the girl was the only one to notice a faint twitching at the corners of his mouth.

"I'll open the window, close the laboratory door, and you won't notice it in a little while," said Mr. Waldon, as he observed Joe's nose twitching.

Then the man who held the ball of twine reported a twitching.

He stooped lower over her, his dark face twitching.

he began, for the first time breaking silence, his burned lips twitching.

In a few minutes he trembles, slight twitchings of face and limbs come on, which increase to strong convulsions....

10 Verbs to Use for the Word  twitchings