692 adjectives to describe ageing

His gentlemen said he had the energy of a man of twenty-five, and he was well over middle age when he was in Paris.

The "lin" was supposed to appear inaugurating a golden age, but the poet finds a better auspice of that in the character of Wan's family and kindred.]

This species forms a marked exception, creeping lowly, in compliance with the most rigorous demands of climate, yet enduring bravely to a more advanced age than many of its lofty relatives in the sun-lands below.

But in his mature age and considered judgment, the saint reversed his judgment; "non habent," he wrote of the Pagan classics, "illae paginae vultum pietatis, lacrymas confessionis spiritum contribulatum cor contritum et humiliatum" (Confess.

His precepts are committed to memory by every child from the tenderest age, and each year at the royal university at Pekin the Emperor holds a festival in honor of the illustrious teacher.

Davies speaks highly of his acting, even in extreme old age.

Possibly, at a later age it may even have broken loose from our attraction.

The world is entering an heroic age calling for heroic women.

But while its shores are being enriched, the soil-beds creep out with incessant growth, contracting its area, while the lighter mud-particles deposited on the bottom cause it to grow constantly shallower, until at length the last remnant of the lake vanishes,closed forever in ripe and natural old age.

They deeply sympathised with the efforts of their votary Pamprepius to turn the revolt of Illus to their advantage, and excused the low magical arts to which he stooped as a necessary concession to the spirit of a barbarous age.

Seated in their libraries, in the midst of their ponderous octavos, their Roman and black-letter volumes, they reject with disdain the commentators, the opinions of the jurists of the present century; and brushing away the cobwebs and dust from the covers of their treasured relics of bygone ages, they clasp them in a loving embrace close to their hearts, exclaiming, 'These are my jewels.'

Do not mistake my motive, nevertheless, Miss Effingham, which is any thing but vulgar curiosity"here Mrs. Bloomfield looked so kind and friendly, that Eve took both her hands and pressed them to her heart"you are motherless; without even a single female connexion of a suitable age to consult with on such an occasion, and fathers after all are but men" "Mine is as kind, and delicate, and tender, as any woman can be, Mrs. Bloomfield.

"The origin of these names is an Indian legend, of which the following is the version given to me by the traders; "In remote ages there lived a powerful shaman, pronounced Tshaumen by the Indians, this being the local name for what is known as medicine man among the Indians farther south and east.

They were formerly played, as in many countries they are still played, by young persons of marriageable age, or even by mature men and women....

In one respect we have but very little occasion to extol our own enlightened age at the expence of those ages which are so frequently and justly termed dark.

Allow me, therefore, to recall to your thoughts those distant ages, when every ardent spirit in Christendom was inflamed with a passionate desire to deliver the Christian pilgrims of Palestine from the oppression of Infidels!

It was a convention of comparatively young men, the average age being little above forty.

Looking backward over the moving processional of the nations of the earth, we may see how, without rest, without pause, through countless ages, the myriad legions of men have been passing across the scene of lifepassing, and fading away!

By the experience, my lords, of one generation after another, by the continued application of successive ages, was our law brought to its present accuracy.

But war on a large scale was impossible in the feudal age.

In a subsequent age, when the World-honored one had attained to perfect Wisdom and become Buddha, he said to his disciples, "This is the place where I in a former age laid down my bow and weapons."

As a result many laws of the Federal Government, in their incidences in this complex age, directly impinge upon rights of the State governments, and vice versa, and the practical application of the Constitution has required a very subtle adaptation of a form of government which was enacted in a primitive age to a form of government of a complex age.

No man, even in that romantic age, carried personal courage and intrepidity to a greater height; and this quality gained him the appellation of the lion-hearted, COEUR DE LION.

That Mosque, which Saladin seized from the Crusaders and turned from a Christian into a Mahomedan place of worship, was unquestionably used for military purposes, and the Turks cared as little for its religious character or its venerable age as they did for the mosque on Nebi Samwil, where the remains of the Prophet Samuel are supposed to rest.

It is God who provides the river and the sea; God who through endless ages has piled stone on stone, crust on crust, and has crumpled the strata of the earth as tissue in His hand.

692 adjectives to describe  ageing