10 adjectives to describe ideologies

Many civilizations have divided their attention between civil ideology and religious ideology.

In the early stages of western civilization, religious ideology took precedence over secular ideology.

Such an approach would involve a study of comparative ideologies.

" The logical ideology of such a formula was egomania, suspicion, fear and hatred.

Indeed, these obsolete ideologies are themselves falling away as a new dynamic emerges from nascent political organism.

He succeeded in mobilizing the enthusiasm of continually widening circles for action, not only by the integrity of his aims but also because he was able to present the new socialistic ideology in an alluring form.

Whatever model they choose must shun static ideologies, and instead acknowledge the evolutionary process through which anything resembling progress is made.

Many civilizations have divided their attention between civil ideology and religious ideology.

They represented people of the same origin, but of the lower strata of the gentry or of business; they were more nationalistic and politically active and often less influenced by Western ideologies.

For convenience in our discussion we will take up, first, civilized societies as collectives, and then the operation of civilized ideology as expressed in the lives of individuals.

10 adjectives to describe  ideologies