12 adjectives to describe stenographers

A girl that's been made confidential stenographer after only one year in an office to have to be afraid, like I am, to pick up the morning's paper.

She had emerged, years before, from the crowded stenographers' room in a big engineering concern into the private office of the chief.

Experienced stenographers say that they form the habit of recording so automatically that they fail utterly to comprehend the meaning of what is said.

His travelling entourage comprises a brace of highly-trained typists, a librarian, the Keeper of the Paper-knife and a faithful stenographer known as "Boswell," who is pledged to miss none of the Master's dicta.

" One of those bright, enveloping smiles swept over his facethe smile that always carried the little stenographer away with it.

It is the record of a very mediocre stenographer with aspirations.

All this resulted into many a Panaji-based reporter turning into mere stenographers, ready for the next round of dictation.

One of the official stenographers connected with the Panama Canal Commission was a breaker boy who came to Philadelphia from the mining district poor and ignorant, and studied in Temple College at night, working during the day to earn his living.

A practised stenographer, engaged by Mr. Stilton, took down many of these communications as they were spoken, and they were afterwards published in the "Revelations."

The pretty stenographer was sitting upon the gentleman's lap.

In fact, I soon called in an additional stenographer to help in the snaring of my thoughts.

It took nearly ten minutes to pacify the ruffled stenographer.

12 adjectives to describe  stenographers