13 adjectives to describe swindler

He said that information had reached your ears to the effect that the man in question was in league with a notorious swindler in New York, and, though you could not bring any proved charge against him, you were equally certain that he was robbing you in order to fill his own pockets.

DIDDLER (Jeremy), an artful swindler; a clever, seedy vagabond, who borrows money or obtains credit by his songs, witticisms, or other expedients.

"Why, you fat, old swindler!

" "The most hinfernal swindler I ever 'eard tell of!" said Hart.


'With the result that dear old Wigmore would have been bled for who knows how many years by a mere swindler.

DIDDLER, JEREMY, a needy, artful swindler in Kenny's farce of "Raising the Wind.

They had no doubt, however, they said, that he was a professed swindler, and in all probability one of late importation into the city; that there was little question that he was the person who had robbed me; adding, what was indeed obvious enough, that he had assisted in the recovery of my pocket-book from the first set of thieves who assailed me, that he might secure it for himself.

I discovered a son in the act of encouraging his aged and apparently imbecile parent to gamble with a professional swindler!

I asked only for sympathy and counsel but I received neither, and could not have been treated worse if I had been a proved swindler.

I found it contain a greater number of circumstances than could have been expected in this species of publication, I was equalled to the most notorious housebreaker in the art of penetrating through walls and doors, and to the most accomplished swindler in plausibleness, duplicity, and disguise.

The only information that Gilbert Fenton could ever obtain from America was, of a shabby swindler arrested in a gambling-house in one of the more remote western cities, whose description corresponded pretty closely with that of Marian's father.

My second was the case of the celebrated Russian swindler, who called herself the Countess Demikoff.

13 adjectives to describe  swindler