5 adverbs to describe how to deale

Come, deale iustly with me: come, come; nay speake.

I am betraide: away and raise the Boores up, Bid 'em deale manfully.

One only Play I must except (for I meane to deale openly) 'tis a COMEDY called the Wilde-goose Chase, which hath beene long lost, and I feare irrecoverable; for a Person of Quality borrowed it from the Actours many yeares since, and (by the negligence of a Servant) it was never return'd; therefore now I put up this Si quis, that whosoever hereafter happily meetes with it, shall be thankfully satisfied if he please to send it home.

A Warrant shall be sign'd, and unto thee I doe commend it; deale not partially; If he be sorry and in true remorse, Cancell the Writ, else let it have full force.

You were your fathers eldest son, I take it, And had his Land, would you had had his wit too, Or his discretion to consider nobly, What 'tis to deale unworthily in these things; You'l say hee's none of yours, he's his son;

5 adverbs to describe how to  deale  - Adverbs for  deale