7 Metaphors for participant

In the days of slavery, on occasion of the marriage of a couple in which the participants were members of slave-owning families, it was the custom for the father of each to provide the young couple with several Negroes, the number of course depending on the relative wealth or affluence of their respective families.

The robbing of country banks has grown to be almost a pastime, and often one or more participants in these raids is a returned soldier.

Participants and spectators alike were delighted with the ease of ingress and egress, the comfortable division of space, the perfection of its acoustic qualities.

The chief participants were seven British naval airmen.

The only participants who got unquestionable profit were the English, European and Yankee traders and manufacturers.

If ever I perpetrate matrimony the participant in my degradation will be a fully developed mannot a hobbledehoy who falls in love, as he terms it, on an average about twice a week.

If ever I perpetrate matrimony the participant in my degradation will be a fully developed mannot a hobbledehoy who falls in love, as he terms it, on an average about twice a week.

7 Metaphors for  participant