7 Metaphors for phipps

"I am scarcely a fair person to ask," he said, "because Peter Phipps is a personal enemy of mine.

Digson was a widower; Mrs. Phipps was a widow.

Peter Phipps, who knew men through and through and had also a profound acquaintance with women of a certain class, was face to face for once with a type of which he knew little.

" "Mr. Phipps is a director of the British and Imperial Granaries, Limited," Wingate said quietly.

Then they'll probably let a dozen of their subsidiary companies go smash, and Peter Phipps, Skinflint Martin and Rees will be multimillionaires.

Peter Phipps is an awfully good fellow.

Then Phipps, I should say, is the wealthier man, and in this present deal, at any rate, he has marvellous support, so that financially he must tower over Wingate.

7 Metaphors for  phipps