16 Words to use with cant

These included a can-opener, which now did duty on the smoked tins.

Za-ma-ma! Ca-ca-ma u Ca-ca-ma." "Remember him!

The word is simply de-ca-nus ("a dean"), with the first two syllables transposed (ca-de-nus).

I love to see the ca-ca-bi Peep through the pine-trees o'er my home, And watch the wild tu-ra-a-khi

1. Correction of Webster, by Rule 1st:ca-price, e-steem, dis-e-steem, o-blige;a-zure, ma-tron, pa-tron, pha-lanx, si-ren, trai-tor, tren-cher, bar-ber, bur-nish, gar-nish, tar-nish, var-nish, mar-ket, mus-ket, pam-phlet;bra-ver-y, kna-ver-y, sla-ver-y, e-ven-ing, sce-ner-y, bri-ber-y, ni-ce-ty, chi-ca-ner-y, ma-chin-er-y, im-a-ger-y;a-sy-lum, ho-ri-zon,fin-an-cier, her-o-ism, sar-do-nyx, scur-ri-lous,co-me-di-an, pos-te-ri-or.

He felt so re-as-su-red by this ex-tra-or-di-na-ry ad-ven-ture, which pro-mi-sed so well for his fu-ture suc-cess, that he leap-ed and dan-ced a-long his path with ex-cite-ment and de-light: he look-ed for-ward to no ob-sta-cle to stop him in his ca-reer, and he pur-su-ed his way re-joic-ing.

4. Correct the division of the following words of five syllables: "a-bo-mi-na-ble, a-po-the-ca-ry, con-sid-e-ra-ble, ex-pla-na-to-ry, pre-pa-ra-to-ry;a-ca-de-mi-cal, cu-ri-o-si-ty, ge-o-gra-phi-cal, ma-nu-fac-to-ry, sa-tis-fac-to-ry, me-ri-to-ri-ous;cha-rac-te-ris-tic, e-pi-gram-ma-tic, ex-pe-ri-ment-al, po-ly-syl-la-ble, con-sid-e-ra-tion.

At eleven o'clock they, go to dinner, which consists of fruits, sweetmeats, and their favourite cous-ca-sou, piled up in a large wooden bowl.

Up there, on the rude shelf above the stove, was a row of old tomato-cans brimful of Bonanza gold.

It was only a can-buoy, lifting lonely to the swell.

Well my dear Country-men, what ye lack, if you continue and fall not back upon the first broken shin, I'le have you chronicled, and chronicled, and cut and chronicled and all to be prais'd, and sung in Sonnets, and bath'd in new brave Ballads, that all tongues shall troule you in Saecula Saeculorum my kind Can-carriers.

They gave me a couple of fish, of the kind called pe-can-o by the Indians. 24th.

The holder of the spoons jingled them in perfect harmony with the accordion, and the can-operator tapped and thumped the tin, so that the three made a singular and tingling music.

[Footnote 11: "Ca-ca-bi," stars.]

"I suppose," said he "that if a Mun-da-wah-can-ton had told you to kill a buffalo, you would have done it, but you do not regard what a Sisse-ton says."

'Peat it, yer ca-arn-doit.

16 Words to use with  cant