102 Words to use with chairs

I've arranged for a bath-chair man to come round with something stouter to-morrow" Mrs. Redwood looked at him tearfully over the top of her handkerchief.

He paused in the midst of lowering himself by the chair-arms and got erect again.

" The chair-bedstead shook in sympathy with Mr. Hatchard's husbandly emotion.

Do you not see he had taken it for granted that all men proceed to conceal a letter, not exactly in a gimlet-hole bored in a chair-leg, but, at least, in some out-of-the-way hole or corner suggested by the same tenor of thought which would urge a man to secrete a letter in a gimlet-hole bored in a chair-leg?

The deck chair reader.

The careful restoration of the banqueting-hall necessitated new curtains and chair-covers.

"I hid the pantry keys under your chair cushions at supper, last night.

Then she turned herself and the chair round till she was exactly facing Varick.

And, I can hear the snapping of the chair-backs still, hideous secrets from human lips, and the scraping, panting, packing.

Consequently we remain in our chambers to rock and be useful, and come into the parlor to be useless and uncomfortable in fauteuils, made, as the chair-makers tell us, "after the line of beauty."

He placed a foot on the chair seat, slid the banjo to rest on his thigh, swept the strings, and broke into "Inchin' Along".

"When do I begin, and what's the program?" "Draw your chair nearer," said Diana, restraining her triumphant joy.

The chair waits.

He was sitting in a chair thinking of leaving the place, when he suddenly fell asleep.

Before long he began to look forward eagerly to Thursday nights and Miss Monon's cozy corner with its red-plush cushionsreminiscent of chair-cars, to be sureand its darkness illumined dimly by red and green signal lamps.

We traversed half the town, when Mrs. Blunt suddenly came to a halt opposite the Hôtel de France, and pointed to a three-wheeled vehicle of the bath-chair type, to which a weird and very ancient-looking steed was attached.

Beneath the swirl of a gown that lay in an iridescent avalanche of sequins about her feet, her foot, tilted to an unbelievable hypothenuse off a cloth-of-silver heel, beat a small and twinkling tattoo, her fingers tattooing, too, along the chair-sides.

It was a relief to know she need not pretend to Cartwright, who occupied a basket-chair opposite.

"She flung 'erself down in the chair agin with 'er back to me, and for nearly three-quarters of an hour we sat there without a word.

He was my chair attendant, but I hadn't looked at him before.

Gunsmoke cures a wheel-chair cowman.

Two deep cuts give an angular shape to the stem; and when its two sides are wide enough apart to admit of a cross-stem being placed between them, they can be employed as roof-ridges or for the framework of tables and chairs; a quantity of flat split pieces of bamboo being fastened on top of them with chair-cane.

"Pipsqueaks," "crumps" and "Jack Johnsons," picturesque equivalents for unpleasant things, have long been familiar even to arm-chair experts.

Old General Hartington, who could remember being taken to London to see the festivities at the coronation of George V, was leaning back in his chair frowning.

With failing eyes bent on the whimpering grandmother he sighed a disheartened oath and threshed into a chair gasping "My woundopened again.

102 Words to use with  chairs