19 Words to use with lyceum

He was even dragged to lyceum lectures during the two weeks he remained in Boston.

Nearly two hours of almost unadorned fact,for there was far less than usual of relief and illustration,and yet the lyceum-audience listened to it as if an angel sang to them.

It was the most elaborate of all the Lyceum productions.

Writer of humorous verse, and popular lyceum lecturer.

The hardships of these lyceum trips can never be appreciated except by those who have endured them.

It was rather odd, by the way, that many mothers who took their daughters to see the opera of "Faust" would not bring them to see the Lyceum play.

Private theatricals, as I have figured in them in country lyceum-halls, are one thing,and private theatricals, as they may be seen in certain gilded and frescoed saloons of our metropolis, are another.

Throughout my lyceum journeys I was of great use to the traveling public, in keeping the ventilators in the cars open, and the dampers in fiery stoves shut up, especially in sleeping cars at night.

The enthusiasm throughout the country had given a fresh impulse to the lyceum bureaus.

It is only stern necessity which compels the magazine to fall back so constantly on the regular old staff of contributors, whose average product has been gauged already; just as every country-lyceum attempts annually to arrange an entirely new list of lecturers, and ends with no bolder experiment than to substitute Chapin and Beecher in place of last year's Beecher and Chapin.

He began to give lecture entertainments 1893, and has been for years one of the most popular lyceum men before the public.

Who can number the speeches she has made on lyceum platforms, in churches, schoolhouses, halls, barns, and in the open air, with a lumber wagon or a cart for her rostrum?

The popularity of the pamphlet induced Dean Ramsay to recall many anecdotes illustrating national peculiarities which could not be compressed into a lyceum address.

Two lyceum assemblies, of five hundred each, are so nearly alike, that they are absolutely undistinguishable in many cases by any definite mark, and there is nothing but the place and time by which one can tell the "remarkably intelligent audience" of a town in New York or Ohio from one in any New England town of similar size.

"Our Lyceum prospers.

And, in coming nights of Autumn, when the vast Lyceum rings With reverberating plaudits, and the town thy praises sings, Memories of the sands at Lowestoft shall be with you ere you sleep; In your ears once more shall echo diapason of the deep.

As the lyceum season lasted from October to June, I was late in reaching Philadelphia.


She was to explain the meaning of the Bureau of Children at the state federations of women's clubs, in lyceum courses, and wherever receptive audiences could be found.

19 Words to use with  lyceum