192 Words to use with o

Ever since the favor of the chieftainess had elevated Paou to the general command, there had been enmity and altercations between him and the chief O-po-tae, who commanded one of the flags or divisions of the fleet; and it was only by the deference and respect they both owed to Ching-yih's widow, that they had been prevented from turning their arms against each other long before.

Hit was AugustbutO-o-h, hot enough to fry eggs on a shingle, the day I tramped down to Cottonville with them specimens; and here it is"he threw up his head and took a comprehensive survey of the grove about him"airly springMarch,

The Banshee THE Banshee cries on the rising wind "O-hoho, O hoho-o-o!"

" "Of confiding to me 'is 'opes" said Adam slowly, finding it much harder to frame his well-meaning falsehood than he had supposed, "hisH-O-P-E-S'opes, Miss Anthea, of settling down very soon, an' of marryin' a fine young lady as 'e 'as 'ad 'is eye on a goodish time,'aving knowed her from childhood's hour, Miss Anthea, and as lives up to Lonnon" "YesAdam!"

If I diminish the angle A O C, by moving the radius O C toward O A, the sine C E diminishes rapidly, and the versed sine E A also diminishes, but more slowly, while the cosine O E increases.

ROBERT O mother, hear my sister Jane, How foolishly she does complain, And teaze herself for nought.

Inte, minte, cute corn, apple seeds and briar thorn, briar thorn and limber lock, three geese in a flock, one flew east and one flew west, one flew into a cuckoo's nest, O-U-T out, with a ragged dish clout, out!"

The little wrens saw it, and said to their father when he returned from the fields: "O papa, a gigantic animal passed by.

Is it for hatred, is it for vengeance, that you speak that name?' 'O friend,' he said, 'neither for hatred nor revenge.

Then thou wilt get, O scion of Bharata's race!

Are you quite sure it was the LolaL-O-L-A?" "Absolutely certain," I replied.

you're a Bob-o-lith-o-nitht!"

It was already five o clock, and in this incomparable city of Samarkand scene succeeded scene.

If, on the contrary, I enlarge the angle A O C by moving the radius O C toward O B, then the sine and the versed sine both increase, and the cosine diminishes; and if, finally, I make O C coincide with O B, then the cosine has disappeared, the sine has become the radius O B, and the versed sine has become the radius

Like birds above a storm that fly The silver notes soared to the sky, "O soul, whose courage does not fail But with a song can meet the gale.

j k l m n o p q r s t u v

"Dhritarashtra said, 'O charioteer, what mischief hath been done by Karna uttering those cruel words, to the sons of Pandu!

And pierced with numberless arrows and deprived of his senses, Pradyumna, O chief of the Kuru race, became motionless on the field of battle!'" SECTION XVIII "Vasudeva continued, 'O king, afflicted with the arrows of Salwa, when Pradyumna became senseless the Vrishnis who had come to the fight were all disheartened and filled with grief!

" "Strange, O guest, is women's counsel, still their folly is the staff Upon which our wisdom leaneth," and he laughed a burly laugh; Lifted up her lissome body with a husband's tender pride, Kissed her brow, and placed her gently in the high-seat at his side.

The city swarmed with these pale seventh-day patients, who, with loud voices, were perpetually bawling out "O tyrant love, o'er gods and men supreme," etc.

The fourth boatswain's mate, with a fresh cat-o-nine-tails swung it about his head and brought the terrible scourge hissing and crackling on the young and tender back.


The Reed-o-graph.

SANDFORD O lady, have a care Of these indefinite and spleen-bred resolves.

The o-gress di-ned, and smi-led up-on her trea-sure of a ser-vant.

192 Words to use with  o