3 collocations for blowe

1565): "Let the gourders of raine come downe from you and all other heretikes, let the floudes of worldly rages thrust, let the windes of Sathan's temptations blowe their worst, this house shall not be overthrowen.

And with the dewe of heven thou them degoute So that my mouth may blowe an encense oute The redolent dulcour aromatyke Of thy deputed lusty rhetoryke.

But, good my Lord, temper your Ambassie With such respective termes to my renowme That I be cleer'd of all immodest haste To have our promist nuptials consummate; For his affects (perhaps) follow the season, Hot with the summer then, now colde with winter: And Dames (though nere so forward in desire) Must suffer men to blowe the nuptiall fire.

3 collocations for  blowe