122 collocations for harming

Upon learning the facts, the old man extended his hand to me, saying: "I would not harm a hair of your head for the world; but it is best that you stay here no longer, as your command is some distance from here now, and you might be cut off by bushwhackers before reaching it.

Advancing to the balcony he answered her again: "The sun is king of everything, o'er all he holds his sway, And thou art like the sunthy charms I own and I obey; Thy beauty warms my veins again, and in its rays, forsooth, I feel the blithe, courageous mood of long-forgotten youth; Sure love of mine can harm thee not, as sunlight is not lost When its kind radiance dissolves the fetters of the frost.

" "Nay," quoth Robin, "I have never harmed harmless man yet; but give it to me, good father."

Wherever they can harm anybody they are sure to do it, and always behind people's backs.

" "He never harmed a soul.

But Mr. Wilson was a kind man and would not harm a living thing.

The colonel dared not harm the boy for fear of Donnegan; and the girl would be happy.

Besides this, they swore never to harm a child nor to wrong a woman, be she maid, wife, or widow; so that, after a while, when the people began to find that no harm was meant to them, but that money or food came in time of want to many a poor family, they came to praise Robin and his merry men, and to tell many tales of him and of his doings in Sherwood Forest, for they felt him to be one of themselves.

You promised to go home and not harm these people.

Who that was really harming the city have you indicted, and who that was really plotting against us have you brought to light?

"This knight is gentle and would as soon think of harming an old woman as thee.

It was a sort of sympathy that could not harm the person on whom it was bestowed.

I have a crew loyal even unto death, and I could bombard and destroy their town, ere they harm either your brother, yourself or your mother.

He was afraid he would find them in the village, and that they would find out he had lied and harm his old wife, or perhaps destroy the town.

And yet this man had not harmed her mate.

Perhaps when Bret Harte referred to San Francisco as "serene, indifferent of Fate," he was thinking of Sidney Smith's declaration: "Fate cannot harm meI have dined today!"

Carl looked thoughtful, and his mother went on to say that there was no one in the house, not even the cat, that would harm his birds.

Charles Lamb truly observes that Middleton's witches "can harm the body," but Shakespeare's "have power over the soul.

"Of course, it was the pison, Sir,a baby like that wouldn't harm a flea.

What mortal can now harm, Or foeman vex us more? Through thee beyond alarm, Immortal God!

"Ay, ay," he said; "I minded it weel, an' I said to myself then, in that first sight I had o' yer face, that I'd not harm a hair o' yer head.

Doan't ye harm the dog!

she shall not harm my dove!"

The warriors fought at first; but fled when they discovered that no weapon could harm the monster.

The owner of that land loses it, if he harms the date-tree.

122 collocations for  harming