9 collocations for skewered

Paper the kidney fat; roll in and skewer the flap, which makes the joint a good shape; dredge it well with flour, and put it down to a bright fire.

Sew the stuffing inside, skewer back the head between the shoulders, cut off the fore-joints of the shoulders and legs, bring: them close to the body, and secure them by means of a skewer.

The "System" had skewered Robert Brownley's heart too.

Should the loin be very large, skewer the kidney back for a time to roast thoroughly.

I know not why I do not smite thee down where thou sittest, for only two days ago I skewered a man over back of Nottingham Town for saying not half so much to me as thou hast done.

Choose a fine rib, have the bone removed, rub some salt over the inside, and skewer the meat up into a nice round form, and bind it with tape.

She kept them filed, not only in her armoire, but the scrawled papersskewered, as it were, somewhere elsewhere women from time immemorial have skewered such unsigned papers.

Truss them in the following manner:After having carefully picked them, cut off the head, and skewer the skin of the neck down over the back.

Thy mad mood thou wilt atone for On his pike he'll skewer thee!

9 collocations for  skewered