812 collocations for stir

" Before the battle began Nelson made the signal which stirred every heart in the fleet on that day, and has since remained a watchword of the nation: "England expects every man will do his duty".

But the murder of a High Court judge was a thing which stirred even their sluggish blood, and in the hope of some sensational development they had put on faded silk hats and shabby black suits and gone out to Hampstead to attend the inquest.

I have myself rather a liking for stirring a fire.

Next, she is to "stir it well," cool it, melt it again; she is then to pour in the lye, "slowly stirring all the time."

We should have no processional of millions churchward on the Lord's Day, no hymns to stir our souls to joy and praise, no anthems or oratorios, no ministers, no ecclesiastical courts and assemblies, no church conventions, no church-schools, religious societies, nor religious press.

The Jeffersonians eagerly seized on the reports of a speech which Carleton made to the Miamis, who lived just south of Detroit, and used it to the utmost as a means of stirring up anti-British feeling.

"Neither Laura nor I will stir a step without you, that's a sure thing.

Then "stir the mixture constantly for twenty minutes or half an hour.

" "Well, I confess I see no great difference, the main object in this life being to stir people up, and to go ahead.

" "But I won't stir a foot without Jones.

And all welcomed the order to fall in preparatory to moving off in the darkness and mist to a battle which, perhaps more than any other in this war, stirred the emotions of countless millions in the Old and New Worlds.

Put into a stewpan the butter with an onion chopped fine; add the gravy, ale, and 1/2 a teaspoonful of flour to thicken; season with pepper and salt, and stir these ingredients over the fire until the onion is a rich brown.

Mostly he wants to watch, and perhaps just to stir them up a little if they do not perform to his satisfaction.

" Babette lay like a log, stirring neither hand nor foot.

It was a warm afternoon, and the air was calm; not a breath stirred the leaves on the old trees around us; the forest sounds were hushed, save the tap of the woodpecker on his hollow tree, or an occasional drumming of a partridge on his log.

The music stirred his imagination, and when the curtain went down the light and glitter, the perfume that drifted about, the women's dress, and the society of his attractive companion gave him a curious thrill.

Once or twice he roused himself, stirred the cup of chocolate which the waiter had set before him, and sipped a teaspoonful of it absently.

Desperately the Boy stirred the almost extinct embers with his foot, and a faint glow fell on the terror-frozen faces of the natives, fell on the bear-skin flap.

Recognition of what the high white apparition was had given him a queer jolt, stirring unsuspected things in imagination and in memory.

They helped Miss S. to stir the soot water, then they went to the grassy bank and ran down it, slid down it, and rolled down it.

And now, as one a-dream, he beheld her start and look at him with eyes wide and darkly bluewithin whose depths was that which stirred within him a memory of other daysin so much he would have spoken, yet found the words unready and hard to come by.

" "I don't know," returned the other mournfully, stirring up the contents of the desk as though he were making a Christmas pudding.

MARMADUKE I must have more of this;you shall not stir An inch, till I am answered.

I felt as though they would say it was just a vain, foolish girl thinking she'd stirred up trouble and had the men quarrelling over her.

Put the sauce into a stewpan, heat it, and stir to it the beaten yolks of 2 eggs, which have been previously strained.

812 collocations for  stir