22 examples of alteratives in sentences

He had a genuine love of solitude as an alterative; but he could not subsist without society, and, Shelley tells us, wherever he went, became the nucleus of it.

In general, very little medicine is needed in this disease of the thrushan alterative powder, or a little magnesia, given once or twice, being all, with the warm bath, that, in the great majority of cases, is needed to restore the mucous membrane to health.

Concurrent with these external remedies, the child should take an alterative powder every morning, or, if they act too much on the bowels, only every second day.

Alterative Powders for Ringworm.

transformation, transfiguration; metamorphosis; transmutation; deoxidization [Chem]; transubstantiation; [Genetics], mutagenesis transanimation^, transmigration, metempsychosis^; avatar; alterative. conversion &c (gradual change) 144; revolution &c (sudden or radical change) 146, inversion &c (reversal) 218; displacement &c 185; transference &c 270. changeableness &c 149; tergiversation &c (change of mind) 607.

Adj. changed &c v.; newfangled; changeable &c 149; transitional; modifiable; alterative.

antifebrile [Med.], antipoison^, counterpoison^, antitoxin, antispasmodic; bracer, faith cure, placebo; helminthagogue^, lithagogue^, pick-meup, stimulant, tonic; vermifuge, prophylactic, corrective, restorative; sedative &c 174; palliative; febrifuge; alterant^, alterative; specific; antiseptic, emetic, analgesic, pain-killer, antitussive

[Med.], epulotic^, paregoric, tonic, corroborant, analeptic^, balsamic, anodyne, hypnotic, neurotic, narcotic, sedative, lenitive, demulcent^, emollient; depuratory^; detersive^, detergent; abstersive^, disinfectant, febrifugal^, alterative; traumatic, vulnerary.

1. General to all Alterative Simples altering melancholy, with a digression of exotic simples 2.

Which is like an apothecary's shop, wherein are all remedies for all infirmities of mind, purgatives, cordials, alteratives, corroboratives, lenitives, &c.

Of alteratives and cordials no man doubts, be they simples or compounds.

Simples are alterative or purgative.

Alteratives are such as correct, strengthen nature, alter, any way hinder or resist the disease; and they be herbs, stones, minerals, &c.

3, and many exquisite herbalists have written of, these few following alone I find appropriated to this humour: of which some be alteratives; "which by a secret force," saith Renodeus, "and special quality expel future diseases, perfectly cure those which are, and many such incurable effects."

19. &c. I will briefly speak of them, as first of alteratives, which Galen, in his third book of diseased parts, prefers before diminutives, and Trallianus brags, that he hath done more cures on melancholy men by moistening, than by purging of them.

IV.Precious Stones, Metals, Minerals, Alteratives.

V.Compound Alteratives; censure of Compounds, and mixed Physic.

" Amongst this number of cordials and alteratives, I do not find a more present remedy, than a cup of wine or strong drink, if it be soberly and opportunely used.

Diet, diminutives, alteratives, cordials, correctors as before, intermixed as occasion serves, "all their study must be to make a melancholy man fat, and then the cure is ended."

Preparatives and alteratives may be used as before, saving that there must be respect had as well to the liver, spleen, stomach, hypochondries, as to the heart and brain.

As an alterative to the mind, rural life is of real value in the case of those who have been carried round and round in the whirlpool of a great city until they have had more than enough of the sensation; but, like other useful medicines, rusticity is best when taken in moderate doses, and at judicious intervals.

Our Hellebore is at present looked upon principally as an alterative, and in this light is frequently employed, in small doses, for attenuating viscid humours, promoting the uterine and urinary discharges, and opening inveterate obstructions of the remoter glands: it often proves a very powerful emmenagogue in plethoric habits, where steel is ineffectual or improper.

22 examples of  alteratives  in sentences