7 examples of ancilla in sentences

"aedificatio, neque vasum, neque vestimentum ullum est manupreciosum, neque preciosus servus, neque ancilla est: si quid est," inquit, "quod utar, utor: si non est, egeo: suum cuique per me uti atque frui licet.

Yet the movement owed much to both his brush and his pen of other and nobler, because reverential, work, as those will admit who know "The Blessed Damozel," "Sister Helen," and his fine collection of sonnets, "The House of Life," as well as his famous paintings, "The Girlhood of Mary Virgin," and his Annunciation picture, "Ecce Ancilla Domini."

Si generosa ancilla tuos aut alma puella Visura est ludos, annue, pande lubens.

"tument tibi quum inguina, cum si Ancilla, aut verna praesto est, tentigine rumpi Malis?

Uti ille apud Skenkium, qui post potionem, uxorem et quatuor ancillas proximo cubiculo cubantes, compressit. 4795.

Subegit ancillas quod uxor ejus deformior esset. 5796.

* I domum, Oberon, ad illas Quae nos manent nunc ancillas, Quarum osculemur sinum, Inter poma, lac et vinum.

7 examples of  ancilla  in sentences