260 examples of at arm in sentences

He held her thus at arm's length.

They thought her an egotista cold-hearted old woman, holding at arm's length any idea of the inevitable.

Lefty Joe, like a pirate in a tale, took this weapon between his teeth; allowed his squat, heavy bulk to swing down and dangle at arm's length for an instant, and then he swung himself a little and landed softly on the floor of the car.

He would hold his quarterly at arm's length to favor his eyes, and then look up from it to the school and shoot the question at everybody, 'And what did Peter do then, HEY?'

Her brother waited to hear no more, but leaped boldly into the room and, seizing Mr. Giles Peram by the collar of his coat and the waistband of his costly knee-breeches, held him at arm's length, and began applying first one and then another pedal extremity to his anatomy.

He did not seek to keep Crowther at arm's length, but neither did he seem inclined for any closer intimacy.

"I beg you, Lady Dredlinton, as I hope to call myself your friend, not to trust him, not to encourage him to visit you, to keep him always at arm's length.

Then he raised the taper and swept it slowly round at arm's length so as to illuminate the place in which we stood.

[It]; at arm's length.

" "But while we keep Krail at arm's length, as we are doing, what have we to fear?" asked Goslin.

"To come to the present, the eldest child of the reigning family is a girl and she has been often teased and warned in jest by her friends and relations that she is the first girl to be the eldest for seven generations and that she would have to keep her men friends at arm's length or go into a nunnery if she hoped to escape the haunting.

Every time I came into my hotel in Vienna the two little boys at the door jumped up and extended their caps at arm's length; an assistant porter, farther in, did the same; the head porter behind the desk often followed, and occasionally all four executed the manoeuvre at once, so that it was like a musical comedy but for the music.

Mr. Spragg held her away at arm's length, a smile drawing up the loose wrinkles about his eyes.

She never lacked admiring followers among less brilliant girls who would have been adorers if she had not held them off at arm's length, but her vanity, far from being omnivorous, required more delicate food.

Our various fashionable manias, for charity one season, for science the next, are only so many clever contrivances for keeping our neighbour at arm's length.

" Miss Sterling held her at arm's length, to make sure of her health.

She looked up into his face, her hands upon his shoulders holding him at arm's length, flushed with her empty victoryice-cold with self contempt at the means she had used to accomplish it.

At arm's length.

and he pulled out the worst piece of the linen, and held it at arm's length during the greater part of a taunting speech of the same kind: then, throwing it contemptuously from him"Away, away, I say, with these rags of the noble family of N!"

She sought feebly to hold him at arm's length, to look at him watchfully, to read him as in the old days; but the old days were gone.

It has an imposing appearance which really proves nothing, but which does a great deal as regards opinion; it has the double advantage of keeping importunate cupidity at arm's length and of quieting anxious ignorance.

When it stopped at arm's length there was the triumph of hate in her eyes.

You have kept me at arm's length all winter.

Charlotte's quick eyes detected in an instant the traces of a child's dwelling there; and before Oliver could utter a word, she picked up a little frock, and was holding it out at arm's length, with an air of utter surprise and misgiving.

At last she fell back from him, held him at arm's length with ease, and stared at him.

260 examples of  at arm  in sentences