95 examples of bouncer in sentences

He found himself looking up into the face of a strapping fellow who served Milligan as bouncer.

But far more than for his fighting parts Milligan hired his bouncer for the sake of his face.

Now, Donnegan was not above middle height at best, and in his present shrinking attitude he found himself looking up a full head into the formidable face of the bouncer.

The bouncer will start to throw you out.

And the main topic of conversation was: Did Donnegan aim at the body or the hand of the bouncer?

" "Then you've come to the proper quarter, young man," said Mr. Bouncer.

Opening the door, and striking into an attitude, he exclaimed in a theatrical tone and manner: "Scene, Mr. Bouncer's rooms in Brazenface; in the centre a table, at which a party are drinking log-juice, and smoking cabbage leaves.

But, sad to say, poor Mr. Bouncer had been plucked.

[Med.], phlebotomy, paracentesis^; expuition, exspuition; tapping, drainage; clearance, clearage^. deportation; banishment &c (punishment ) 972; rouge's march; relegation, extradition; dislodgment. bouncer

'And what's the name of the poor old soldier who signed the pledge on New Year's Day?' 'Tim Stokes; he's called Bouncer by most of us.'

'I shall remember,' said Teddy; then turning to his mother and grandmother after Corporal Saxby had disappeared, he said solemnly, 'I may bring Bouncer to tea, mayn't I, if I find him?

'I guess you'll find him under one of the tables in the tap-room; old Bouncer is pretty dry after a march like we've had to-day.'

[Illustration: 'ARE YOU BOUNCER?'] 'Are you Bouncer?' 'That's what I'm called.'

[Illustration: 'ARE YOU BOUNCER?'] 'Are you Bouncer?' 'That's what I'm called.'

Then he said, 'Look here, Bouncer, this is what Mr. Upton said to me.

'I won't come no further, youngster; I ain't in a mind to-day to see company, but I'll be at the tea to-night.' 'Oh, Bouncer, do come!'

'But the best of all is,' said Teddy sleepily, 'that Bouncer has enlisted.

Teddy could not get near his friend Bouncer, but he received a friendly nod from him in the distance, and as for Bouncer's face, it was like sunshine itself, a marked contrast to the day before.

Teddy could not get near his friend Bouncer, but he received a friendly nod from him in the distance, and as for Bouncer's face, it was like sunshine itself, a marked contrast to the day before.

I love my love with a B because she's beautiful; I hate my love with a B because she is brazen; I took her to the sign of the Blue Boar; and I treated her with Bonnets; her name's Bouncer and she lives in Bedlamnow, what do I make with my straw?" "Ladies' bonnets?" "Fine ladies'," said the person of the house, nodding assent.

Every one came to see the Big Babyso it was called by universal consentand most of them said, "E's a Bouncer," and almost all remarked to him, "Did they?"

He's had his hand shook enough in his life, and by kings, tooshake it once more with an old bouncer like you!" Mr. Ginsberg, not unlike his colleague in rotundities, held out a short, a dimpled hand.

Explain that the benevolent old party is only on duty when papa's daughter has a papa that Bradstreet rates AA, and that when papa's daughter's husband presents a five-dollar check with a ten-cent overdraft, he's received by a low-browed old brute who calls for the bouncer to put him out.

Will Sergeant-Major BOUNCER be gazetted to the Hayti'eth Regiment?

Mrs. Mac Bouncer coerces Lucy in white satin to sign the fatal contract that will settle Master.

95 examples of  bouncer  in sentences