35 examples of cajoleries in sentences

Using all her cajoleries, she could bring him to a certain point beyond which he would not go.

Protests and prayers, abuse and cajolery, were alike powerless to win his consent to his wife's perpetual proposal that she should be allowed to draw her dress allowance for some months, or even some weeks ahead.

But no cajoleries could induce the Colonel to sit to any artist save one.

Flattery N. flattery, adulation, gloze; blandishment, blandiloquence^; cajolery; fawning, wheedling &c v.; captation^, coquetry, obsequiousness, sycophancy, flunkeyism^, toadeating^, tuft- hunting; snobbishness.

No one could be more quick to observe the ludicrous than he, nor more careful to avoid ridicule; therefore it said much for Moll's cajolery, or for the love he bore her even at this time, to thus expose himself to Dawson's rude mirth and mine in order to please her.

He disliked the former because their attitude seemed one of cajolery and the latter because it seemed one of contempt.

Every effort which love and female cajolery could suggest was used by this dutiful wife to keep her husband at home.

She made no attempt to draw nearer, or to use any of the arts of cajolery; but presently she said, without rising: "I saw you look at your watch when I came in.

A while ago they tried flattery and cajolery.

After she had defied him and put him into a stewing rage, she would smooth him the right way and, with teasing little cajoleries, nurse him back to a pleasant humor.

He had carried cases his own way, it was said, in spite of counsel, authorities, and even of juries, by a sort of cajolery, violence, and bamboozling, that somehow confused and overpowered resistance.

And he began coaxing the Princess of Provence with just such cajoleries as the big handsome boy had formerly exercised against the peasant girls of Rathgor.

They had no cajoleries, none of the little tricks of their trade.

Talleyrand was the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and he treated the envoys with a mixture of menace and cajolery.

Between each sip and each mouthful, she appealed to him to follow her example, now with cajolery, now with menace, till at length, worked up by the united stimulus of the Mountain and her own ungovernable rage, she dashed down the glass and unfinished slice of cake, and, before the astonished Lady Annabel, rushed forward to give him what she had long threatened, and what she in general ultimately had recourse to, a good shake.

She tried cajolery, fried his take of trout deliciously for him, and he sat down to them sniffing.

Yet, notwithstanding these reciprocal cajoleries, the return of justice is slow and mutable; an instinctive or habitual preference of evil appears at times to direct the Convention, even in opposition to their own interests.

Yet, notwithstanding these reciprocal cajoleries, the return of justice is slow and mutable; an instinctive or habitual preference of evil appears at times to direct the Convention, even in opposition to their own interests.

On September 1 Mustapha made his last effort, but all his threats and cajoleries had but little effect on his dispirited troops, who refused any longer to believe in the possibility of capturing those terrible fortresses.

Milan, however, was resolute not to surrender the plotter, and turned a deaf ear to all the Princess's pleadings and cajoleries.

This scene of alternate violence and cajolery lasted nearly an hour; and then Sowerby rushed from the house as if pursued by the furies, and leaving his auditor in a state of thorough bewilderment and dismay.

Vous ne me désarmerez pas par vos cajoleries!

His cajoleries are infinite; his deft sentences, mingling flattery with reflection, have almost the quality of a caress.

Twenty years passed, and the King of Prussia was submitting his verses as anxiously as ever to Voltaire, whose compliments and cajoleries were pouring out in their accustomed stream.

Le trait est joli, assurément; mais, je te le répète encore, je ne suis pas faite aux cajoleries de ceux dont la garde-robe ressemble à la tienne.

35 examples of  cajoleries  in sentences