11 examples of counter-jumper in sentences

I mean to have my next dress made with a green silk fichu, a moire antique bertha, and little point lace peplums and gussets, just like Miss MESTAYER'S. Won't it be sweet?" All the Counter-Jumpers in the Theatre.

Counter-jumpers go out to drink to the majesty of trade, having grown perceptibly taller since the play began.

Counter-jumpers stalk deer nowadays, and city clerks on their holidays shoot over peers' preserves.

Scales evidently was of the opinion that a Siberian veteran and athlete was better fitted to lead the "shock troops" than a mere counter-jumper like himself.

Clerks and counter-jumpers a'n't anything.

Then, as to the enervating effects of aristocracy, and noble effeminacy, I have seen ten times as much of it among your counter-jumpers and dealers in bob binet, as I have seen in the sons of dukes and princes; and, in my later days, circumstances have brought me much in contact with many of these last.

Q. Well, would you become a shop-boy or a counter-jumper?

Fine counter-jumper I'd make!

The young counter-jumper averted his eyes from his father's quivering lip to stare up the platform.

Hang around her ontil my boyhim that's comin' home on a visitgets here, and I reckon he'll clear out that yar Sacramento counter-jumper.

Those who shine in it with especial splendor are Messrs. the excise collectors, with their moldy "high inspirations;" counter-jumpers, with their pathetic outgushings of the soul; old German revolution dilettanti with their Turner-Union phrases, and Berlin school-masters with their unsuccessful efforts at enthusiasm.

11 examples of  counter-jumper  in sentences