357 examples of criticize in sentences

She forgot to criticize.

It was possible for her to smile at Donnegan; it was possible even to pity him for his fragility, his touchy pride about his size; to criticize his fondness for taking the center of the stage even in a cheap little mining camp like this and strutting about, the center of all attention.

Be extremely in your behavior, for they are watching to criticize you.

It was not for me, however, to criticize, even in my own mind, anything of a military nature which might be on foot.

So unknown and unappreciated was he at the time when my Logic was written and published, that to criticize his weak points might well appear superfluous, while it was a duty to give as much publicity as one could to the important contributions he had made to philosophic thought.

In view of the President's apparent fixity of purpose it seemed unwise to criticize the plan until I could deliver to him a substitute in writing for the mutual guaranty which he evidently considered to be the chief feature of the plan.

Also "My brethren, we shall not be content to criticize and find fault with our own age and time, but rather we shall pray for the power to see within its questionings, unrest and discontentaye, its recklessness and apparent failuresthe strivings of the Spirit of God.

He goes on to criticize the Bible in detail.

He does not himself criticize Moses and the prophets, but he reproduces the objections which were made against their authority by the vain science of the gnostics.

If we guess that the so-called black sheep of the family will prove to be the white sheep, it is only because we know that it is Ibsen's habit to attack respectability and criticize accepted moral valuesit is not because of anything that he has told us, or hinted to us, in the play itself.

No man will criticize his own hoss.

"I cannot criticize my father's deeds and agree with people who are opposed to him," she said.

I do not want to criticize your language, Captain

If you are disposed to retaliate, I give you free permission to criticize me to any extent when my turn comes.

Though an egotist à l'outrance, he could criticize a play, a building, a character, on universal grounds, and give a just opinion.

To criticize adversely a painter, actor, or singer is necessarily damaging, and is really a libel, but to sustain an action real damage must be proved, or it must be shown that malice and ill-will have prompted the objectionable adverse opinions.

It is difficult to avoid exaggeration in speaking of these men,men whose deeds vindicate their words, and whose words are unsurpassed by Greek or Roman fame,men whom even Hume can only criticize for a "mysterious jargon" which most of them did not use, and for a "vulgar hypocrisy" which few of them practised.

Mr. Hooper, at a word from Thad, seemed inclined to criticize.

" "Well, Mrs. Robson," Mrs. Finnegan inevitably returned, "far be it from me to criticize what your daughter's friends do.

The moral and intellectual powers of man must be acknowledged as having a right and duty to criticize the contents of the Scripture: 2.

It being granted that the writers are elsewhere mistaken, to criticize the tale was to reject it.

The American reader may be interested to see that the Indian college girl does not consider Western ways perfect, but is quite ready to criticize the manners and morals of her American cousin.

Though we Muslim girls have come to Christian colleges and don't observe purdah, yet we are very careful of how we should make the best of it and show a good example by our personality and behavior so that the people who criticize us may not have anything to say.

We are by no means inclined to criticize the Administration, even if this were the proper time for it; but we cannot help thinking that there was great wisdom in Napoleon's recipe for saving life in dealing with a mob,"First fire grape-shot into them; after that, over their heads as much as you like."

Naturally I am not inclined to criticize my son's methods.

357 examples of  criticize  in sentences