134 examples of daria in sentences

From the life of Timur Khan, by Shersfeddin Ali, it appears that Almalig is situate between the town of Taschkent and the river Irtiah, in the country of the Gete, and on the banks of the river Ab-eile, which discharges itself into the Sihon, or Sirr-Daria.

Lodovico Giovanni Ariosto was born on the 8th of September, 1474, in the fortress at Reggio, in Lombardy, and was the son of Niccolò Ariosto, captain of that citadel (as Boiardo had been), and Daria Maleguzzi, whose family still exists.

I took the countries of Itsua and Daria, which were turbulent and disobedient.

Daria; ou, La medee contestee, par Louis Francis, pseud.

Daria; ou, La medee contestee, par Louis Francis, pseud.

* Botanical A.B.C.The A.B.C. Daria is a name given to a plant of the camomile species.

Isn't she like her grandmother, the Princess Daria Petrovna?

By the way, she must be very old, the Princess Daria Petrovna?" "How do you mean, old?" cried Tomsky, thoughtlessly, "she died seven years ago.

Chrysanthus and Daria (The Two Lovers of Heaven), whose martyrdom took place at Rome A.D. 284, and whose festival occurs on the 25th of October, is to be found in a very abridged form in the "Legenda Aurea" of Jacobus de Voragine, c. 152.

Chrisanthus and Daria, the 25th of October, and their death was in the year of our Lord God 284, in the raigne of Numerianus, Emperor.

The old English translation by W. P. Esq., second edition: London, 1730, p. 369, gives them thus: "Surius in his fifth tome, and Cardinal Baronius in his 'Annotations upon the Martyrologies', and in the second tome of his Annals, and St. Gregory of Tours in his 'Book of the Glory of the Martyrs', make mention of the Saints Chrysanthus and Daria".

"The Life of Saynt Crysant and Saynte Daria".

And of Saynte Daria, and of her name.

Daria is sayd of dare to give, for she gave her to two thynges.

And one Daria, a noble and wise virgin of the goddess Vesta, arrayed her nobly with clothes as she had been a goddess, and prayed that she myght be letten enter in to Crysant and that she would restore him to the idols and to his father.

And Daria answered, the philosophers called the elements by the names of men.

And then Crysant and Daria converted to him, coupled them together by the grace of the Holy Ghost, and feigned to be joined by carnal marriage, and converted many others to our Lord.

And Daria was brought to the bordel, but a lion that was in the amphitheatre came and kept the door of the bordel.

And anon he was converted and ran through the city, and began to cry that Daria was a goddess.

And then the provost commanded them to make a great fire within the entrance of the bordel, so that the lion should be brent with Daria.

And when the provost had done to Crysant and Daria many diverse torments, and might not grieve them, at the last they without compassion were put in a deep pit, and earth and stones thrown on them.

Chrysanthus and Daria took place, it may be mentioned that in the valuable "Vies des Saints", Paris, 1701 (republished in 1739), where the whole legend undergoes a very critical examination, the generally received date, A.D. 284, is considered erroneous.

Crisanto y Daria.

DARIA, CYNTHIA, NISIDA, CHLORIS, } Priestesses of Diana.

OXUS or AMU-DARIA, a great river of Central Asia, rises in the Pamirs, and flows W. between Turkestan and Afghanistan, then N. through Turkestan to the Sea of Aral; it is believed at one time to have flowed into the Caspian, and there is record of two changes of course; half its waters are absorbed in irrigating the plains of Khiva.

134 examples of  daria  in sentences