166 examples of eard in sentences

"You've missed the moorland air, dearie, and the cream and the milkI've 'eard it's all chalk and water in Londonand

"'Never 'eard of him,' he ses, 'and we've been 'ere seventeen years.

I took it up agin, and 'ad just poured out a drop o' whisky when I distinctly 'eard a hissing noise and then a little moan.

"He shut both eyes when he 'eard Ginger wake up, and he slept like a child through the 'orrible noise that Peter and Ginger see fit to make when they started to put their clothes on.

They talked in whispers at fust, but at last Sam 'eard Peter say: "'Threepence for 'is brekfuss; sevenpence for 'is dinner; threepence for 'is tea; penny for beer and a penny for bacca.

"'I ain't 'ad a wink o' sleep for two nights,' ses 'Arry'not ever since I 'eard of it.

pretty near a dozen times afore she 'eard it.

"'Never 'eard of him,' he ses, 'and we've been 'ere seventeen years.

"The whisky warmed me up a bit, and I 'ad just taken up the bottle to 'elp myself agin when I 'eard a faint sort o' sound in the skipper's state-room.

I took it up agin, and 'ad just poured out a drop o' whisky when I distinctly 'eard a hissing noise and then a little moan.

" "I 'eard something the other day," said the bar-man, musingly; "about you it was, but I wouldn't believe it.

"He's 'eard two or three speak o' me as knowing a thing or two, and being young, and just starting, 'e came to talk it over with me.

"I only 'eard of it half an hour ago," she said, reproachfully.

If the boy live, then like to sencelesse beasts, Like longd-eard Asses and riche-laden Mules, We must resign these treasures to a boye, And we like Asses feede on simple haye: Make him away, they shall continue ours By vertue of his fathers Testament, The iewels, castles, medowes, houses, lands, Which thy small cozen should defeate thee of, Be still thine owne, and thou advance thy selfe, Above the height of all thine Auncestours.

I 'ave 'eard that that is always the case with men that 'as an ideadaresay you 'ave found it so yourself.

In France I used to foller 'im to gather up the bits; 'E "'adn't 'eard" o' snipers and 'e "wasn't 'eedin'" Fritz; Till in a slip o' garden by the Convent 'e was copped, And dahn among the lavender, the trodden sodden lavender, The bloody muddy lavender 'e dropped.

Yo're afraid o' mae, Ally, because yo've 'eard I haven't always been as sober as I might bae; but yo're nat 'aalf as afraid o' mae, droonk or sober, as yo' are of yore awn faather.

"It's like a dream, ain't it?" "They bought a ship, so I 'eard," murmured the other; "they've got eight or nine men aboard, and they'll be away pretty near a year.

You 'eard of her bit o' money?' John opened his eyes.

'An I 'eard yer comin,' she ended; 'an I thought I'd tell yeran I wor frightened about the 'arf-crownspeople 'ad been talkin

" "Bewitched?" ses Mrs. Prince, who'd 'eard of 'is ideas.

A minute arterward he 'eard the bedroom winder pushed open, and then Bill Jones popped his 'cad out and called to know wot was the matter and who it was.

" "I 'eard something about her to-day, Ginger," ses Peter Russet.

"It's the safest and easiest way o' making money I ever 'eard of.

I 'aven't slept since I 'eard it,not a regular night's rest.

166 examples of  eard  in sentences