11 examples of florentin in sentences

You see, apart from my very nice hotel in the Rue St. Florentin, and the two hundred thousand or so which you are pleased to allow me, there is my position as the first minister in Europe.

This third enceinte of defence was the pride of the insurgents; they were never tired of admiring their celebrated barricade of the Rue St. Florentin, and that which intercepted the quay at the corner of the Tuileries Gardens on the Place de la Concorde.

The struggle was terrific during the night; the insurgents, who had sought refuge in the Ministry of Finance, after the taking of the barricade in the Rue Saint-Florentin, increased the fury of the flames by firing from the windows, and discharging jets of petroleum at the soldiers.

At six o'clock I looked at their position, with Zébédé, Captain Florentin, and Buche, and it seemed to me it was a difficult task before us.

Thus we see in the thirteenth century the barbel of Saint-Florentin held in great estimation, whereas two hundred years later a man who was of no use, or a nonentity, was said to resemble a barbel, "which is neither good for roasting nor boiling.

In a collection of vulgar proverbs of the twelfth century mention is made, amongst the fish most in demand, besides the barbel of Saint-Florentin above referred to, of the eels of Maine, the pike of Chalons, the lampreys of Nantes, the trout of Andeli, and the dace of Aise.

Il fut fort étonné de me voir, et me conduisit chez un Florentin je logeai avec mon chevall.

A vingt ans, il était blond et beau; ce jeune homme Avait l'air d'un tribun militaire de Rome; Comme pour exprimer les détours du destin Dont le héros triomphe, un graveur florentin Avait sur son écu sculpté le labyrinthe; Les femmes l'admiraient, se montrant avec crainte La tête de lion qu'il

Sa basquine est en point de Gênes; sur sa jupe Une arabesque, errant dans les plis du satin, Suit les mille détours d'un fil d'or florentin.

fil d'or florentin, gold thread of Florence.

" "And Florentin and Cognac?"

11 examples of  florentin  in sentences