9091 examples of gloried in sentences

For those people are very amiable and kind, to such a degree that the said King gloried in calling me his brother.

If there were two Glorias within her, one of them fled now; the other watched with quick bright eyes and gloried in the man who had come at her hour of direst need; one vanished, afraid, the other felt a little thrill go singing through her blood.

They will deny these crimes to-morrow, but in 1914 they gloried in them.

The Boches will deny them later on, but in 1914 they did not deny them, but rather gloried in them as a "good idea."

In the first place, in their speeches, in their writings and by commemorative pictures and medals, they have gloried in their misdeeds, thus declaring that Kultur is above morality (as stated by their writer, Thomas Mann), and that the right of German might is above everything.

Cynical lying with the Germans is not only admitted, but gloried in.

His untutored masculine sense rather gloried in the unconventionally of a superfluous tangle or two; he found her most charming with a few rents in her gown from branch or brier.

One hardly knows how conventional one's opinions are until one stops to think," said I. "Once, I gloried in the work," Maxine went on.

And Tutt gloried in the glories of Mr. Tutt.

Philosophy kept pace with geometry, and those who observed Nature also gloried in abstruse calculations.

She was his equal, and yet she ever gloried in his superiority.

understood, and gloried in, and reverenced.

The fabric of despotism had already been built by Richelieu, and Louis XIV. had displayed and gloried in its dazzling magnificence, even while he undermined its foundations by his ruinous wars and courtly extravagance.

Ouer the doores of many of the houses, which be strongly built of stone, do remaine vndefaced, the armes of England, France, Spaine, and many other Christian knights, as though the Turkes in the view thereof gloried in the taking of all Christendome, whose armes they beholde.

At Niagara we have gloried in the belief that all the cataracts of other lands were tame; but we changed our mind when we stood on the brink of Great Shoshone Falls.

For twenty-four hours the awful grandeur of these scenes was gloried in, when Captain Hunter gave the order to draw the anchor and steam away.

Yes, one who gloried in puns, a maker of pun upon pun, a man whose whole wit ran into a pun as readily as water rushes into a hollow, who could not keep out of a pun, let him loathe it or not, and who made some of the best and some of the worst on record, but stillpuns.

Hook, however, gloried in the exploit, which he thought 'perfect.'

On receiving the message of the Lords, they had summoned him to appear at the bar of the House of Commons, that he might be examined on the subject; but this proceeding was so far from intimidating him, that he not only avowed the publication of his comment on Lord Weymouth's letter, but gloried in it, asserting that he deserved the thanks of the people for bringing to light the true character of "that bloody scroll."

Two years ago Mary's light figure would have swung itself down among the ivy leaves, and she would have gloried in the thought of circumventing James Steadman so easily.

The brain may be large, but the manhood, the "virtus," is small, where such things are allowed, much more where they are gloried in.

He delighted in flouting convention, gloried in outraging decency.

He was sufficient unto himself and gloried in his selfishness.

Solon learned something new, every day, in his old age, as he gloried to proclaim.

How he would have gloried in you!

9091 examples of  gloried  in sentences