106 examples of guiltily in sentences

This was nothing extraordinary, but they started guiltily to their feet when they saw me, and made off, growling under their breaths.

Or it is possible that these are the kindred of Holofernes and that they have supped guiltily in their tents with a sisterhood of Judiths.

The time to Angy, guiltily bathing her face, was short; the time to her anxious husband unaccountably long.

Over his coffee the major gave a sudden start and looked guiltily into Patricia's eyes.

-sphered with Platoor, with Harrington, framing "immortal commonwealths"devising some plan of amelioration to thy country, or thy speciesperadventure meditating some individual kindness or courtesy, to be done to thee thyself, the returning consciousness of which made him to start so guiltily at thy obtruded personal presence.

" McNutt's heart was in his shoes and he looked guiltily at his accuser, the pale blue eyes bulging fearfully.

Old Heck and Ophelia looked at each other guiltily.

You must be very determined to act guiltily and to be obliged to tell lies, as you take so much trouble to get rid of those, who might pass sentence on you, and who might convict you of falsehood.

Feeling guiltily that it was my weight that made them groan, I lay perfectly still, and was even holding my breath in an effort to make myself lighter, when, for no apparent reason, we left the road, such as it was, and started across the trackless plain.

" She hung her head guiltily.

If someone was charging, he (usually a he) would mumble thanks and pick his way out guiltily while Ann added another number to his column.

When the dark hour comes that the gods have decreed And the Fury burns with wrathful fires, A demon unholy, with ire unabated, Lies like black night on the halls of the fated; And the recreant Son plunges guiltily on To perfect the guilt of his Sires.

"How about his relations with women?" The reporter hesitated and glanced guiltily at the dead body.

"There is no ignominy in being wrongfully accused," I saida little guiltily, I must own, for Thorndyke's words came back to me with all their force.

The stable boy was guiltily leading the horse through the door and around the gaudy rider came the old man, and a woman who had run from a neighboring porch, and a long-moustached giant.

She made the admission almost guiltily.

He got up guiltily and fumbled for a paper in his pocket.

How much had it betrayed, she wondered, of her guiltily stealthy pace?

'And I am that child?' Mr. Fishwick looked away guiltily, passing his tongue over his lips.

" "Hear you!" cried Mr. Chalk, guiltily conscious of a feeling of disappointment quite beyond his control.

" Lillian nodded comprehendingly, but Dicky flushed guiltily as they followed me into the kitchen.

"Why, nothing," I responded guiltily.

"Thethere isn't any," he stammered guiltily.

So Flora went to see what Mama Joy wanted, and Billy hurried somewhat guiltily out to find what was the matter with the gray horse, and practical affairs once more took control.

" Second-Lieutenant M'Lachlan, suddenly awake to the enormity of his conduct, turned guiltily to greet the officer, while the Sergeant abruptly hunted the genial Private Bogle back into the ranks.

106 examples of  guiltily  in sentences