51 examples of half-smile in sentences

" "Now, Mandy, you don't believe any such as that," remonstrated Johnnie, with a half-smile.

"Didn't she?" echoed the mother, with a tremulous half-smile.

The statue named Apollo Belvedere is regarded as representing the god at the moment after he has discharged his arrow at the python (serpent), his countenance irradiated with a half-smile of divine scorn and triumph.

It was the portrait of one dark but fair, with shoulders of a girlish slenderness all but thin, with eyes of glowing dusk and a half-smile upon her lips.

He advanced into the room with a gentle half-smile which suggested good will to all men.

" Just then the servant came and told him the carriage was ready, and he handed me into it, while Lord Orville, with a bow and a half-smile, wished me good-night.

Every time they passed each other their eyes used to meet with a half-smile of respectful recognition.

He shrugged his shoulders with a sort of half-smile, and said nothing.

This man, with a long, thin face, was constantly squinting past Cosme's shoulder, squinting and leering and stretching his great full-lipped mouth into a queer half-smile.

He leaned forward in his chair, a queer half-smile on his face.

" Geisha McCoy was looking up at her with a whimsical half-smile.

Now, because she recognized the man and knew his typeborn of the wild places even as herself, but a bastard breedthe tender, wistful half-smile sped from her childish mouth and her eyes grew alert and widened as if with actual fear.

I watched him writing with all the semblance and precision of a machine, except for a half-smile that sometimes flickered upon his close-pressed lips.

Think I've never had any of my own perhaps?" He spoke with a half-smile, but there was that in his voice that made Dick come swiftly back to him down the long room; nor did he pause when he reached him.

While standing at the stall, I had been vaguely aware of some one beside me, a man who also was looking over the books; as I came out again with my purchase, this stranger gazed at me intently, with a half-smile of peculiar interest.

She did not laugh; demonstrative mirth was not one of her characteristics; but for a long time there dwelt upon her good, plain countenance a half-smile of placid contentment.

"Vous êtes le bien venu," he says to Mr. Morris, and then, looking at Calvert with a half-smile.

The duke's face softened into a half-smile,if anything so hard as his face can be said to soften,and he offered his hand to Max.

I asked him once where he had learned his gracious fashions that were so un-Englishhe would stand with uplifted hat as he asked a question of a maidservant, or handed a woman into a carriageand he answered, with a half-smile, half-scoff, that it was only in England he was an outcast from society.

" He started toward the house without a word; but before he went out of sight he turned and looked for a moment with a sort of half-smile at the girl.

She looked at the wonderful rainbow and smiled a little half-smile.

Varvara Pavlovna looked at her with a half-smile, and then turned her eyes towards the door.

" Mr. Catesby turned, and with a firm step made his way back to the room; Prudence, with a half-smile, took a chair near the door and regarded her prisoner with unholy triumph.

Moreover, if you said anything personal or intimate to him, a word of gratitude or pleasure, he had a quick, beautiful, affectionate look, so rewarding, so embracing that I often tried to evoke itthough an attempt to evoke it deliberately often produced no more than a half-smile, accompanied by a little wink, as if he saw through the attempt.

The eyes are rather dark, large, fine, and keen; with the thin lips, pursed in a half-smile, they form the most striking features of the countenance, and serve to give it that characteristic of finesse so peculiar to the man.

51 examples of  half-smile  in sentences