7644 examples of hides in sentences

Take one of your rough ones, and I for one set him down as a mere bully, that hides his cowardice under blustering words.

I remembered the bright silks and sparkling faces I had seen that day, in gala trim, swan-like sailing down the Mississippi of Broadway; and I contrasted them with the pallid copyist, and thought to myself, Ah, happiness courts the light, so we deem the world is gay; but misery hides aloof, so we deem that misery there is none.

To-day, upon the 29th of April 1527, he has begun to carry in some bundles, which he says are linen of his sisters; and I, not wishing to witness what he does or to know where he hides the gear away, have given him the key of the sacristy this evening.

Restore them to repute by turning the indecent parts of the damned to flames, and those of the blessed to sunbeams; or imitate the modesty of Florence, who hides your David's shame beneath some gilded leaves.

This is exquisitely and acutely observed by a wise and prudent wife; who so far conceals her conjugial love, and withdraws it into her bosom, and there hides it so deeply that it does not at all appear in her face, in the tone of her voice, or in her behaviour.

A somewhat heavy dreaminess, and a great deal of obscurity, hang about this poem; and the effort required to dispel the darkness of the general scheme is not repaid when we discover what it hides.

"Noo, lads, I'll tell you what it is," said M'Kay, addressing the prostrate soldiers"if you'll behave yoursels desenly, and no be botherin' me wi' ony more o' your tarn nonsense, I'll aloo you to make me your prisoner; for I'm no intending to run away; I'll kive myself up to save your hides, and take my shance of ta law for what I'll do.

Oh! this grief is light And floats a-topwell, well; it hides a while That gulf too black for speechMy husband's dead!

Inspection of Raw Hides.

Parliament having passed an act to prevent frauds from being practised in raw hides, a very convenient situation was fixed upon for their examination, in Park-street, where two persons are annually appointed to inspect them.

Alas, what port can such a pilot find, Who in the night of fate must blindly steer! 36 The undistinguish'd seeds of good and ill, Heaven, in his bosom, from our knowledge hides:

Yet London, empress of the northern clime, By an high fate thou greatly didst expire; Great as the world's, which, at the death of time Must fall, and rise a nobler frame by fire! 213 As when some dire usurper Heaven provides, To scourge his country with a lawless sway; His birth perhaps some petty village hides, And sets his cradle out of fortune's way.

But this hides up the work, and so tends to promote bad work, besides being often very unsightly.

To this port came occasionally a Yankee whale ship for fresh water, or some enterprising trader with shawls and combs and trinkets for the women, to barter for hides and tallow with the dons from the south and the great interior ranchos.

Still others were cutting the hides into strips to be made into lariats.

I helped load cotton and hides on the boats.

Who dared to do this dastard deed of shame?" Then came a knight leading a guileless boy And said: "This is the one who shot the swan, And here more arrows like the cruel shaft That hides itself within the bleeding breast.

We all want notoriety, our desire for notoriety is hideous if you will, but it is less hideous when it is proclaimed from a brazen tongue than when it hides its head in the cant of human humanitarianism.

One suffers alone; one dies alone; alone one hides away in the little apartment of six boards.

A perfectly white elephant, up to a few years ago, had never been seen, but on rare occasions elephants are born with light-coloured or clouded hides.

He still could inflict punishment, and the hides of both of them were terrible to see, but he was no longer able to take advantage of his openings.

Thou shalt have no more secrets from me, for God has said that He hides only from the wise and prudent man, but reveals Himself to the simple and to children.

"Liftinant!" exclaimed Sweeny, "thim naygurs up there is washin' their dirty hides an' pourin' the suds down on us.

During the time required for jerking a quantity of it, Glover made a boat out of the two hides, scraping them with a hunting knife, sewing them with a sailor's needle and strands of the sounding-line, and stretching them on a frame of green saplings, the result being a craft six feet long by nearly four broad, and about the shape of a half walnut-shell.

'mid wounds above Dim buoys give hint of death below Sea-ambuscades, where evil art had aped Hecla that hides in snow.

7644 examples of  hides  in sentences