12808 examples of hottest in sentences

Where-ever it was hottest, the men crowded after one leader, a small man, with a mild, quiet face,Douglas Palmer.

During the evening one of the bolder poltroons declared it was the duty of all the garrison, in order to save their lives, to force Colonel Gansevoort to do as they desired, and while the talk was the hottest Sergeant Corney "broke loose," as he afterward expressed it.

"It's the toughest kind of ill-fortune to be crippled just when the fun is the hottest," he said, after explaining how the wound had been received.

Even the water looked strange and more beautiful than the water in the plain, for here it gushed out of the living rock, sparkling like crystal in the sun, and was always cold when he dipped his hands in it even on the hottest days.

Prince Frederick Charles's corps were withering under the hottest artillery fire of the century, save that at Gettysburg, just three years earlier to the hour.

Associated with him in the battles of the Chickahominy, and to the end, was the able and resolute Longstreetan officer of low and powerful stature, with a heavy, brown beard reaching to his breast, a manner marked by unalterable composure, and a countenance whose expression of phlegmatic tranquillity never varied in the hottest hours of battle.

The palpitating heat was terriblethe hottest day that summer.

During the hottest of the battle, a soldier belonging to the detachment under the command of Lieut.

Nor were all the Numidians placed in the right wing, but such as taking two horses each into the field are accustomed frequently to leap full armed, when the battle is at the hottest, from a tired horse upon a fresh one, after the manner of vaulters: such was their own agility, and so docile their breed of horses.

While the controversy was hottest, a relation, with a face of concern, called me out.

It was late in the afternoon of a hot July day, the hottest day Paris had known that year (1907) and M. Coquenil, followed by a splendid white-and-brown shepherd dog, was walking down the Rue de la Cité, past the somber mass of the city hospital.

Ruth's gay young voice broke into a sweet chime of delighted laughter when the judge seized the airy bit of lace as if it had been the heaviest and hottest of crowbars.

Didn't all the wasps and flies go blind and die sooner than common, right in the middle of the hottest weather?

One may easily imagine the stupid alarm and helpless confusion of these easy-going monks, when their new Superior came down among them hissing with a white heat from the very hottest furnace-fires of a new religious experience, burning and quivering with the terrors of the world to come,pale, thin, eager, tremulous, and yet with all the martial vigor of the former warrior, and all the habits of command of a former princely station.

Do more; write the hottest editorial you can think of, demanding to know if it isn't time for the people to rise and clean out this stable once for all.

" "In August when it was the hottest we always had a vacation after our crops were all laid by.

I began my Bible-reading last Thursday, the hottest day we have had; but there was a good attendance.

Indeed it was said of him by jealous colleagues that the hottest actions in which he had ever been engaged were actions for divorce or breach of promise, and that this type of imminent deadly breach was the kind with which he was best acquainted.

Hottest guy in the world.

Hottest guy in the world.

Hottest guy in the world.

"Hottest time I had I think was at the bombardment of Alexandria.

The admiral, who from the commencement had been in the hottest of the engagement, and had fired until his guns were so hot that they could, some of them, not be used again; now seeing that he had executed the most important part of his instructions, issued orders for drawing off the fleet.

when the yeares at hottest, And that the Dog-starre fomes, and the streame boiles, And curles, and workes, and swells ready to sparkle; To fling a fellow with a Fever in, To set it all on fire, till it burne, Blew as Scamander, 'fore the walls of Troy, When Vulcan leap'd in to him, to consume him.

He seemed an Arab ...' Here we have the plains of Montiel, and the poet realising all that Don Quixote felt on that day of July, 'the hottest of the year,' when he first set out on his quest and met with nothing worth recording.

12808 examples of  hottest  in sentences