33 examples of idole in sentences

They make, forsooth, her hair of gold, her eyes of diamond, her cheeks of roses, her lips of rubies, her teeth of pearl, and her whole body of ivory; and when they have thus idoled her like Pygmalion, they fall down and worship her.

By magicke skill out of eternall night: The corpes of Rome in ashes is entombed, And her great spirite, reioyned to the spirite Of this great masse, is in the same enwombed; But her brave writings, which, her famous merite In spight of Time out of the dust doth reare, Doo make her idole* through the world appeare.

But had those wits, the wonders of their dayes, Or that sweete Teian poet*, which did spend His plenteous vaine in setting forth her praise, 220 Seen but a glims of this which I pretend**, How wondrously would he her face commend, Above that idole of his fayning thought, That all the world should with his rimes be fraught!

This people worshippeth also a dead idole, which, from the nauel vpward, resembleth a man, and from the nauel downeward an oxe.

Of a strange and vncouth idole: and of certaine customes and ceremonies.

In the said kingdome of Mobar there is a wonderfull strange idole, being made after the shape and resemblance of a man, as big as the image of our Christopher, et

In the sayd countrey none dare shed the bloud of a man, or of any beast, for the reuerence of a certaine idole.

The houses stand walled with earth, and plaine, all sauing the three palaces of the three tyrant brethren, and the Pagodes which are idole houses: these are made with lime and fine marble.

De nos vaillants aïeux Tout y représentait les tournois magnanimes, Ils semblaient reparôitre et combattre à mes yeux; J'entendois sous leurs coups retentir les abîmes; Juge de leurs combats, idole de leur coeur, Du haut des tours, la dame admiroit le vainqueur.

"L'éphémère idole, au frisson du printemps, Sentant des renouveaux éclore, Le guèpa de satins si lointains et d'antan Rose exilés des flores!

La nouvelie idole, pièce en trois actes; edited with introd., notes, and vocabulary by Hugh Allison Smith and Leslie Ross Méras.

La nouvelle idole.

La nouvelle idole.

Les deux idoles.

TINKLE, J. LON. Les deux idoles.

ZEEK, C. F. Les deux idoles.

La nouvelie idole, pièce en trois actes; edited with introd., notes, and vocabulary by Hugh Allison Smith and Leslie Ross Méras.

La nouvelle idole.

La nouvelle idole.

Les deux idoles.

TINKLE, J. LON. Les deux idoles.

And the house wherein his Pagode or idole standeth is couered with tiles of siluer, and all the walles are gilded with golde.

And they consume many canes likewise in making of their Varellaes or Idole Temples, which are in great number both great and small.

"L'éphemère idole, au frisson du printemps, Sentant des renouveaux éclorent, Se guèpa de satins si lointains et d'antan: Rose exilé des flores!

hait la petite Idole, elle hait la Maréchale de Luxembourg; enfin, sa haine pour tous les gens qui me déplaisent me fit lui pardonner l'indifférence et peut-être la haine qu'elle a pour moi.

33 examples of  idole  in sentences