21 examples of money-market in sentences

I can sit here at this table and shake the money-markets of the world.

It is the fashion nowadays to speak lightly of the mere man of money, yet there is no king on his throne who can shake the world as can we kings of the money-market by the lifting even of a finger.

"Oh! it is simply a matter," he said, "of the money-markets.

You may not understand this, but such a combination as ours, honestly adhered to, can do what it likes with the money-markets anywhere.

It would mean a panic in all the money-markets of the world.

I understood that amongst you who control the money-markets there is no friendship, nor any right and wrong.

If you publish that document, whatever the ultimate results may be, there will be the worst scare in the American money-market which the world has ever known.

Those whose hands were upon the money-markets of the world paused to turn their heads towards the hotel where he had taken a suite of rooms.

The stringency of the money-market began to frighten even Mr. Sandford who had been predicting a panic.

Greenleaf worked assiduously upon his landscapes, and, notwithstanding the pressure in the money-market, was fortunate enough to dispose of them to gentlemen whose incomes were not affected by the vicissitudes of business.

Thanks to the weakness of our Government, which has neglected to put seals on the portals of the Bourse, they are under the obligation of going in and coming out like the most ordinary individuals; and a Parisian, who has not learned, by a long intimacy with Hoffmann and Edgar Poë, to distinguish the living from the dead, might take these ghosts of the money-market for simple boursiers.

It was the property of Mr. Alsager, the gentleman who for years had contributed no small share of celebrity to the great reputation of the "Times" newspaper, by the masterly manner in which he conducted the money-market department of that journal.

He succeeded Hazlitt, (which was no insignificant honor,) and for some time contributed the critiques upon the theatres, but ended by being the reporter of the state of the money-market.

The evening paper lay ready cut for him in its accustomed place, but for some five minutes Mr. Taynton did not appear to notice it, though evening papers, on the money-market page, might contain news so frightfully momentous to him.

All of these, I afterwards ascertained from your office-boy, were eminent capitalists; something had gone wrong in the market,not in the meat-market, as I should have supposed from their appearance, but in the money-market.

The flurry in the money-market gradually increased to a storm.

are here going on much as usual, occupied with nothing else but commerce and the money-market.

In a developed credit economy, where a regular money-market exists, they are superfluous, to say the least, as most loans are made below the legal rate.

Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Cobb were guilty of this folly, and, for the sake of the poor éclat of coming to the relief of the money-market, (which was no great relief, after all,) they sacrificed the hard-money pretensions of the government, and sunk its character to the level of that of the needy "kiteflier" in Wall Street.

He too had made a good speculation in the hymeneo-money-market, otherwise he could hardly have afforded to give up the exercise of his profession.

Side by side with the diplomatists were the citizens of Frankfort; but here again we find indeed a great money-market, the centre of the finance of the Continent, dissociated from any great productive activity.

21 examples of  money-market  in sentences