12 examples of nearsighted in sentences

Their colors were but rare and dainty specks comparatively, (created for the nearsighted, who walk amid the humblest herbs and underwoods,) and made no impression on a distant eye.

"I don't believe we will have many more days like this," remarked Frances Martin, her nearsighted eyes peering into a hollow tree stump.

I must be getting nearsighted.

Every third one of them wore spectacles, showing that the back lines of the army are extensively addicted to the favorite Teutonic sport of being nearsighted.

He cut a few of my parishioners in the street; but he had his glasses off, and I am known to be nearsighted.

The professor was nearsighted, but he immediately noted Rattleton's queer actions, and he placed himself in front of the boys, adjusting his spectacles.

No wonder Miss Lavinia adjusted her glasses quickly (she is blindly nearsighted), caught her breath, and clung to Evan's arm as the fresh sea breeze coming up from the Narrows wheeled her about.

He forgot, this discomfited cousin, that his nearsighted eyes would not enable him to perceive the manticore among the foliage.

Marshey blinked as he came nearer, and his weak nearsighted eyes turned from Hazen to me.

Do you know what your father wanted to be most of all?" Keith looked up speculatively as his father appeared at the doorway to the parloura man of medium height, who stooped because he was nearsighted, and so looked shorter than he was, but also stronger because of the great width of his shoulders.

Then they found out that I was too nearsighted to steer by the compass, and that was the end of it.

Being a little nearsighted she asked him to read the inscription, and in reverent tones he read: "Here lies Susan, beloved wife of John Smith; also Jane, beloved wife of John Smith; also Mary, beloved wife of John Smith" He paused abruptly, and the bride, leaning forward to see the bottom line, read, to her horror: "Be Ye Also Ready.

12 examples of  nearsighted  in sentences