214 examples of outstrips in sentences

The man who has a definite policy to propose, and a definite way of working for it, soon outstrips the man who is just looking about.

O, ye have found an anguish that outstrips All tortures of the East, ye gentle Greeks!

The dove appearing, as you may see it again and again, like a speck in the far off sky, rushing down with a swiftness which outstrips the very eagle; returning surely to the very spot from which it set forth, though it may have flown over hundreds of miles of land, and through the very clouds of heaven.

And like a sudden meteor which outstrips The splendour-wingèd chariot of the sun, ... eclipse

But though the Sheriff of Nottingham went fast, he could not outstrip a clothyard arrow.

He had in mind to outstrip the emperor, and seize the road to Autun.

The most cramped compendium that the age hath seen since all learning hath been almost torn into ends, outstrips him by the head.

What a fate this one book has to endure before it outstrips those 100,000 and gains its due place of honor!

This sorry farce outstrips all one could have imagined, and all that the Versailles papers said of you must have been true; for what you are doing now is worse than anything they could ever have dared to imagine.

That's how the world is, ma'am, and we cannot outstrip the world.

But, when they find you determined to do your duty, it is proved, by the example which they have given in passing the Apprenticeship Amendment Act, that they will even outstrip you to prevent your interference with them.

For example, the duty of the strong to help the weak is taught in the religious hour, and yet for the rest of the day the strong are set to outstrip the weak, and are given valuable prizes for their success in doing so.

Hitherto, the western half of the island has been, the great producing district, but present indications point to a not distant time when the eastern district will rival and, it may be, outstrip the section of older development.

A marble cross, under the shadow of a pine, marks the spot, and beneath his own name they have engraved the name of "Lewis Carroll," that the children who pass by may remember their friend, who is nowhimself a child in all that makes childhood most attractivein that "Wonderland" which outstrips all our dreams and hopes.

Verbal memories of old date, such as Biblical scraps, family expressions, bits of poetry, and the like, are very numerous, and rise to the thoughts so quickly, whenever anything suggests them, that they commonly outstrip all competitors.

"It is impossible that our knowledge of words should outstrip our knowledge of things.

And she starved and sang; And like the wind, she roved and lurked and shuddered Outside your lighted windows, and fled by, Storm-hunted, trying to outstrip the snow, South, south, and homeless as a broken bird, Limping and hiding!And she fled, and laughed, And kept me warm; and died!

He runs so fast that he quickly outstrips the others.

In Mr. Bradley's difficulty in seeing how sugar can be sweet intellectualism outstrips itself and becomes openly a sort of verbalism.

How many before Indian women with pitying eyes and tender hands shall have carried the gift of healing, the better gift of the health that outstrips disease, through the roads and villages of India?

Genius often outstrips the plodding feet of generations.

Hotly pursued on land and sea, narrowly escaping shipwreck, braving hardships, hunger, and hourly danger of capture, the fugitives at last reached Marseilles where Marie (Hortense now seeking a refuge in Savoy) began those years of wandering and adventure, the story of which outstrips fiction.

How many heathens, as to this, shall outstrip such as profess themselves Christians?

Some may suppose themselves in a safe and sure way, if they outstrip others in religious duties, and be much in extraordinary duties, when, alas!

None of the countless revolutions in German life produced by the war outstrips in historical importance this official linking up of women with the military machine.

214 examples of  outstrips  in sentences