24 examples of palmistry in sentences

Palmistry and astrologylet us fling them into the whirlpool of vanity!

There were a number of volumes on palmistry and on various branches of occultism, interspersed with several books of poetry and such unlikely works as My Prison Life, by Jabez Balfour, and Melville Lee's well-known History of Police.

All this palmistry business was entirely on your account.

"Cheer up," said Mr. Dowson; "five years ain't much out of a lifetime; and you can't expect to 'ave your fun without" He watched the retreating figure of Mr. Foss as it stamped its way down the street, and closing the door returned to the kitchen to discuss palmistry and other sciences until bedtime.

(An expression borrowed from palmistry: line of life was the name for one of the lines in the hand.)

He would stand for hours, when talking, his right elbow on a mantel-piece, if there was one near, his fingers going through their strange palmistry; and in this manner, never once stirring from his position, he would not unfrequently protract his discourse till long past midnight.

Come thou, too, black-eyed lass, and try That potent skill in palmistry.

What you should know about palmistry.

What you should know about palmistry.

MACGREOOR, M. M. Palmistry.

Your hand tells all; a manual of simplified palmistry.

The Laws of scientific handreading: a practical treatise on the art commonly called palmistry.

What you should know about palmistry.

What you should know about palmistry.

MACGREOOR, M. M. Palmistry.

Your hand tells all; a manual of simplified palmistry.

The Laws of scientific handreading: a practical treatise on the art commonly called palmistry.

This bright-eyed professor of palmistry soon, however, returned running, and out of breath, yet chatting all the time with inconceivable rapidity, and accompanying the startling communication she was evidently making with the most animated gestures.

There is a great truth underlying phrenology, palmistry, and astrology; but it is ridiculous to accept their verdicts as final and unchangeable, and it is unwise to ignore the good they may do, rightly applied and understood.

In the Height of his good-Humour, meeting a common Beggar upon the Road who was no Conjurer, as he went to relieve him he found his Pocket was picked: That being a Kind of Palmistry at which this Race of Vermin are very dextrous.

At the breakfast there were perhaps sixteen of us and the conversation fell upon palmistry.

" I make no pretence of understanding palmistry, but I saw in her hand a queer little mark that Cheiro had explained to us from a chart.

PALMISTRY, the art of reading character from the lines and marks on the palm of the hand, according to which some pretend to read fortunes as well.

These people continuing about the cuntry in this fashion, practising their cosening art of fast and loose, and legerdemaine, purchased to themselues great credit among the cuntry people, and got much by Palmistry, and telling of fortunes: insomuch they pittifully cosoned the poore cuntry girles, both of mony, siluer spoones, and the best of their apparrell, or any good thing they could make, onely to heare their fortunes.

24 examples of  palmistry  in sentences