1289 examples of pervade in sentences

But in process of time, a more Christian spirita spirit of forbearance, though not of cordiality or approbationbegan to pervade the land in regard to the persecuted sect.

Those which remain are rude, simple, uniform, without beauty or grace (except a certain serenity of facial expression which seems to pervade all their portraiture), but colossal and grand.

In this moral loftiness these Mosaic teachings as to truthfulness pervade the whole Bible.

E. This river is probably the Sirr or Sihon; and the mountains of Karatan and Arjun pervade the district, the two chains being separated by the river.

From the Moors he obtained intelligence respecting the Nomadic tribes who border upon and pervade the great desert, and of the nations of the Jaloofs, whose territories are conterminous with the desert on the north, and Guinea to the south.

There are about eight rivers, which pervade the island in different places; by means of which they have many saw-mills, from which Portugal and other places are supplied with boards of many different sorts.

Terror and consternation seem to pervade the whole of animated nature: land birds are driven into the ocean; and those whose element is the sea, seek for refuge in the woods.

Perfect enthusiasm seems to pervade all classes in regard to it, but there is still the thorn in the flesh which is permitted by a wise Father to keep me humble, doubtless.

A great delusion seems to pervade the public mind in relation to the condition of parties in Kansas.

It is to pervade social life every where.

Yet an evident perfume of tobacco and prosperity seems to pervade the shop, but no sign of the Tom, Dick, and Henry sort of trade that is done by more ostentatious modern traders.

Muscles pervade the whole tissue of the sponge, but are found more particularly in the superficial parts.

The family circle of different animals and birds is an admirable illustration of the peace which should pervade among families.

These are so numerous and so distinguished that they ought to excite our most ardent gratitude: night and day they are experienced by us; they pervade every moment of our being.

The principle of absolute power, firmly fixed in the young king's mind, began to pervade his court from the time that he disgraced Fouquet and ceased to dissemble his affection for Mdlle.

The loyalty that now fills your minds is merely one expression of a certain spirit which ought to pervade all our livesnot only in our studies, but in our homes, in our offices, in our political and civic lifenot merely upon holidays, or upon other great occasions, but upon our working days; and most of all when our tasks seem commonplace and heavy.

Of the young men, not one in five seemed to have any religious convictions at all: the elder residents seldom or never showed sympathy with the doctrines that pervade that formula.

The modern traveller who visits the churches and convents of Florence, or the museums where are preserved the fading remains of its early religious Art, if he be a person of any sensibility, cannot fail to be affected with the intense gravity and earnestness which pervade them.

An air of homely jollity and comfort seemed to pervade the place; the ruddy afternoon sun lit up the small-paned windows with as cheerful a glow as that which in winter was reflected from the roaring fire piled by old Jack half up the wide chimney; the very Thornleigh lion of the imposing sign seemed to lean confidentially on his toe and to grin affably, as though to assure the passers-by of the good cheer within.

ETHER, a subtle element presumed to pervade all interstellar space, vibrations in which are assumed to account for the transmission of light and all radiant energy.

Let these reflections pervade us as we witness the dying moments of those we love, and we shall find even for us death has no sting; for we shall meet again in a world where death and time shall be no more!

Wildness of imagination, fabulous machinery, and unnatural scenes ever pervade the compositions of Oriental authors,even in most serious works on history and ethics.

In any case what I have, can be but a foretaste of what I have yet to be; and if so, then indeed is there a glory laid up for them that will have God, the I of their I, to throne it in the temple he has built, to pervade the life he has lifed out of himself.

Dust began to form grimy circles around their orbits; with cat-like shivers she even felt it pervade the roots of her blonde hair.

Another hour, and the clouds are higher: they form broad, dense masses, and, passing under the sun, whose fervid and brilliant rays now pervade the whole landscape, occasionally darken and cool the atmosphere.

1289 examples of  pervade  in sentences