Do we say prier or prior

prier 19 occurrences

"Le soussigné s'empresse donc d'assurer votre Excellence et en même temps de vous prier, Monsieur, de vouloir bien faire parvenir cette assurance à sa Majesté, que cet acte signalé de libéralité ne peut manquer d'être dignement et hautement apprécié par les institutions scientifiques des Etats Unis, par Mlle.

"La mort a des rigueurs à nulle autre pareilles, On a beau la prier, La cruelle qu'elle est se bouche les oreilles, Et nous laisse crier.

Donnez un synonyme à chacun des mots suivants: soldat, bravoure, adversaire, prier, brave, vétéran. 8. LE MÉDECIN ET SA MULE Un Esculape, monté sur sa mule, allait voir un malade qui avait un apostème dans le larynx.

à prier les gens de chanter, et l'autre moitié à le regretter.

CONJURER, prier avec instance.

DEMANDER, prier, exiger, s'enquérir, faire une demande; proposer.

INVITER, convier, prier de se trouver quelque part, d'assister à. IRLANDAIS, E, de l'Irlande.

PRIER, demander avec instance; inviter; supplier, conjurer.

SOLLICITER, demander; prier, implorer.

Seigneur, apprenez-nous a prier.

Seigneur, apprenez-nous a prier.

Seigneur, apprenez-nous a prier.

Seigneur, apprenez-nous a prier.

Il leur exposa le sujet de sa mission, qui consistoit, m'a-t-on dit, à prier leur maitre, de la part du duc de Milan, de vouloir bien abandonner à l'empereur Romain Sigismond la Hongrie, la Valaquie, toute la Bulgarie jusqu'à Sophie, le royaume de Bosnie, et la partie qu'il possédoit d'Albanie dépendante d'Esclavonie.

3. C'est une grande inciuilité d'entreprendre de prier vn superieur de se couurir, aussi bien que de n'en pas supplier celuy à qui cela se peut faire.

Si quelqu'vn a de la peine à tirer ses mots comme par force, ne vous amusez pas á luy en suggerer, pour faire paroistre quelque desir d'aider celuy qui parle, si'l ne vient à vous en prier, ou que le tout se passe

quoiqu'elle ait vingt ans, on a beau la prier, Elle n'a pas encor voulu se marier.

#prier#, request.

Il m'importoit peu d'en être instruite: c'est un amour que je n'aurois jamais su, et je le trouve bien malheureux d'avoir eu affaire à vous, lui qui a été votre maître, qui vous affectionnoit, qui vous a bien traité, qui vient, tout récemment encore, de vous prier à genoux de lui garder le secret.

prior 2147 occurrences

No opinion had been given by him when it became necessary, prior to the meeting of the Senate, to prepare the nominations for promotions in the Army.

C.G. The Education of the Negro Prior to 1861.

He argued, on the other hand, that such ways of looking at phenomena must originate in the mind, and be prior to the experience which confirms them.

EBooks posted prior to November 2003, with eBook numbers BELOW #10000, are filed in directories based on their release date.

EBooks posted prior to November 2003, with eBook numbers BELOW #10000, are filed in directories based on their release date.

Not that he had ever ventured to declare his passion, nor that he had received sufficient encouragement to make it matter of certainty that if he did so declare himself, he should be accepted; but being both "proper and tall," and having tolerable confidence in his good looks, he had made himself, up to a short time prior to his introduction to the reader, quite easy on the point.

Those negotiations, however, are still pending, but I entertain a confident expectation that the affair will be definitely and satisfactorily adjusted prior to the next session.

To the House of Representatives: I have received and carefully considered the bill entitled "An act to provide for the ascertainment of claims of American citizens for spoliations committed by the French prior to the 31st of July, 1801," and in the discharge of a duty imperatively enjoined on me by the Constitution I return the same with my objections to the House of Representatives, in which it originated.

The treaties of 1778, so long the subject of French complaints, are now understood to be the foundation upon which are laid these claims of indemnity from the United States for spoliations committed by the French prior to 1800.

EBooks posted prior to November 2003, with eBook numbers BELOW #10000, are filed in directories based on their release date.

EBooks posted prior to November 2003, with eBook numbers BELOW #10000, are filed in directories based on their release date.

There had always been a feeling of friendship existing between Mr. Lincoln and Judge Douglas; and the manner in which the latter acted just prior to the Inauguration, and the gallant part he sustained at that time, as well as afterwards, served to increase their mutual regard and esteem.

Some twelve years later, General Paixhans, who gave his name to the large guns of modern times, (although their prior invention was claimed by the late Colonel Bomford,) again commended plate-armor for ships to his Government; but his advice was not then adopted.

In a summer-house in the grounds John Prior, Speaker Lenthall's faithful servant, was murdered in the year 1697.

Some persons pretended, prior to emancipation, to apprehend disastrous results; but for my part I cannot say that I ever entertained such fears.

"The most general apprehension prior to emancipation was, that the negroes would not work after they were made freethat they would be indolent, buy small parcels of land, and 'squat' on them to the neglect of sugar cultivation.

The first part of the Report was then agreed to, amended as follows: "The migration or importation of such persons as the several States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Legislature prior to the year 1808," New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, aye7; New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, no4.

In order to obviate this objection, these words were added to the proposition: "provided that no amendments, which may be made prior to the year 1808 shall in any manner affect the fourth and fifth sections of the seventh Article:"p.

The committee made a report; for which, after a long debate, was substituted a declaration, by the House, that Congress could not abolish the slave trade prior to the year 1808, but had a right so to regulate it as to provide for the humane treatment of the slaves on the passage; and that Congress could not interfere in the emancipation or treatment of slaves in the States.

Section forty-one of the Penal Code, as it existed prior to the passage of this act, is hereby repealed.

"Welcome, Father Cuddy!" said the prior, "grace be on you.

I agree with the historian of Manchester, that the Roman stations were prior to the roads, and that the latter were only the channels of communication to the former.

EBooks posted prior to November 2003, with eBook numbers BELOW #10000, are filed in directories based on their release date.

It appears that apprehensions of interruption were once entertained from a prior settlement from France; these fears are however, removed by that nation having fixed on a point, to colonize, in latitude 25 deg.

Jaufré, the prior of Vigeois, an abbey of Saint-Martial of Limoges, is the only chronicler during the reigns of Henry II.

Do we say   prier   or  prior