9 examples of publicke in sentences

According to these Canons, there was made by the estates lately holden at Orleans, in the young age or minority of Charles the 9. an article, in which, amongest other thinges all iudges are forbidden to permit or suffer any publicke daunses, uppon the sondayes, and other solonme holy dayes.

Which thinge also Dauid declareth in the sixty and eight psalme, saying, the Lord hath geuen an argument, occasion or matter unto the women, who also haue song accordingly: It was then a solomne (as a man would say) or publicke thankes geuing, which they rendred, or gaue unto God, singing or setting forth him to be the author of their deliuerance.

THE MARTYR'D SOULDIER: As it was sundry times Acted with a generall applause at the Private house in Drury lane, and at other publicke Theaters.

So when late ESSEX dy'd, the Publicke face Wore sorrow in't, and to add mournefull Grace To the sad pomp of his lamented fall, The Common wealth served at his Funerall And by a Solemne Order built his Hearse.

I need not, sir, instruct you in your place To beare him with a guard as is appointed Unto the publicke tryall held at Sherrys.

I am the Steward and to be druncke in publicke, I say and I sayt, were to give ill examples.

did they towards God: for as though they were too great, standing on foot or kneeling to serue God, they would come riding on horsebacke into the church to heare their masse: which church now is made a publicke basistane or market place for the Turkes to sell commodities in: but beholde the iudgement of the righteous God, who payeth the sinner measure for measure.

"Be pleased to know (Courteous Reader) that since the last Impression of this Book, the ingenuous Author of it is deceased, leaving a Copy of it exactly corrected, with several considerable Additions by his own hand; this Copy he committed to my care and custody, with directions to have those Additions inserted in the next Edition; which in order to his command, and the Publicke Good, is faithfully performed in this last Impression.

I have bethought mee better nowe to keepe This business secrett, least it chance to arryve To th'eares of some of my most noble frends; And not to make it publicke and this honest Purpose of myne by that meanes misreated, Heare lett her stay till night bycause I am loath In th'eye of day to move her through the streetes.

9 examples of  publicke  in sentences