5 examples of recruiting-sergeant in sentences

And as for business, as it is your English fashion to call new things obstinately by old names, careless whether they apply or not, you may consider me as a recruiting-sergeant; which trade, indeed, I follow, though I am no more like the popular red-coated ones than your present "glorious constitution" is like William the Third's, or Overbeck's high art like Fra Angelico's.

Tom 'stuck up,' as he expressed it, for his friend Luke, and always put the blame of the enlistment on the wiles and arts of the recruiting-sergeant, who regularly entrapped him into the deed.

An old Radical electioneer, describing the activity of the country clergy on the Tory side, said: "In every village we had the Black Recruiting-Sergeant against us."

Here were these poor recruits, a few weeks since dragged from their native hearths, constrained by regal power to illustrate themselves by the swordwhen their hearts and characters were formed for domestic cares, and those agricultural labours which sweetened their rustic meal, and only trying to evade their direst enemythe recruiting-sergeant of Napoleon!

If you could take him back to York to enlist" "My dear Herbert, I ain't a recruiting-sergeant.

5 examples of  recruiting-sergeant  in sentences