44 examples of self-complacent in sentences

As I slowly passed the telescope over the face of Europe, I pictured to myself the fat, plodding Hollanderthe patient, contemplative Germanthe ingenious, sensual Italianthe temperate Swissthe haughty, superstitious Spaniardthe sprightly, self-complacent Frenchmanthe sullen and reflecting Englishmanwho monopolise nearly all the science and literature of the earth, to which they bear so small a proportion.

Gash, shrewd, self-complacent.

Is it not a self-complacent dream?

" When Mr. Fitzgerald received the message, he adjusted his necktie at the mirror, and smiled over his self-complacent thoughts.

To the self-complacent eighteenth century those doctrines came as a salutary shock, dislocating the compact mass of one-sided opinion.

And have you ceased to talk about yourself and to regard yourself with self-complacent pride?

She even hinted to one of her guests, in my hearing, that they had been intended for her originally; but "we cannot command the impulses of the heart, you know, câra mia," she added, with a very self-complacent sort of a sigh.

It has furnished facts which do not seem to fit our self-complacent theory, so that now our writers and speakers are inclined to vent their spleen upon the unhappy cities, perhaps too unreservedly.

IV THE ELDEST The Self-Complacent Young Cub leaned an elbow against the mantel as you've seen it done in English plays, and blew a practically perfect smoke-ring.

I believe that many a man whom you would take to be ambitious, pushing, and self-complacent, is ever pressed with a sad conviction of inferiority, and wishes nothing more than quietly to slip through life.

The Dutch girl brought hers in public, and, bridling her short chin with a self-complacent air, observed she had bought it for me.

He looked clean, with the cleanness of a tree after the measureless drenching of a storm; he had a careless, easy air, which completely concealed his assiduous and self-complacent self-consciousness.

She had none of those self-complacent delusions which lure vain women on in slothfulness until Love vacates his neglected temple.

Yet the self-complacent Pharisees of our Savior's age were as far from the love of God, he assures them in the text, as any of those who had never heard of His name.

Self-complacent, eager after approbation, and constantly smiling to herself.

Hence republican writers, with self-complacent decision, always treat this war as the effect of ignorance, slavery, and superstition.

Hence republican writers, with self-complacent decision, always treat this war as the effect of ignorance, slavery, and superstition.

Her English individuality stands out embonpoint, rosy, genial, self-complacent, calm, serene, happyfying, and happy.

The opposite school was too self-complacent, too comfortable, too secure in its social and political alliances; and he was bent on shaming people into severer notions.

Did you ever, my reader, chance upon such a spectacle as this: a very commonplace man, and even a very great blockhead, standing in a drawing-room where a large party of people is assembled, with a grin of self-complacent superiority upon his unmeaning face?

But this shaft would have glanced harmlessly from off the panoply of the stupid and self-complacent old lady of whom I am thinking.

" Yet Cooper's performance, in spite of its droll, self-complacent vein in the address to the Reader, is a judicious and useful selection, and was, in fact, far more serviceable to the middle-class gentry than some of those which had gone before.

The absence of these latter qualities is supplied in his case by the self-complacent good faith in which he puts forth his monstrous assumptions and the stolid assurance with which he maintains them.

his self-complacent reply used to be, "I divna ken wha's till preach, but my son's for till precent."

" The natural and self-complacent manner in which the following anecdote brings out in the Highlander an innate sense of the superiority of Celtic blood is highly characteristic:A few years ago, when an English family were visiting in the Highlands, their attention was directed to a child crying; on their observing to the mother it was cross, she exclaimed"Na, na, it's nae cross, for we're baith true Hieland.

44 examples of  self-complacent  in sentences