23 examples of septum in sentences

A, B, right pulmonary veins; with S, openings of the veins; E, D, C, aortic valves; R, aorta; P, pulmonary artery; O, pulmonic valves; H, mitral valve; K, columnæ carnoeæ; M, right ventricular cavity; N, interventricular septum.

partition, septum, diaphragm; midriff; dissepiment^; party wall, panel, room divider.

Preme, preme, ego cum Pindaro, [Greek: abaptistos eimi os phellos hyp' elma] immersibillis sum sicut suber super maris septum.

Regum palatium non tam diligenti custodia septum fuit

As this took place while the priest was entering within the septum or rails of the altar, it acquired the name of Introitus or Introit."

Lips diverging at obtuse angles with the septum, and slightly pendulous so as to show a square profile.

Du. koye, cavea, septum, locus in quo greges stabulantur.

His hair was long and curly, and in it was stuck a short sharp-pointed stick; he wore his beard long, no teeth were wanting in his jaws, and there was no appearance of the septum narium having been pierced: at every three inches between the upper part of the chest and navel his body was scarified in horizontal stripes, the cicatrice of which was at least an inch in diameter, and protruded half an inch from the body.

No teeth were deficient in their jaws; all had the septum narium perforated, but without wearing any appendage in it.

No one has yet examined the question, What is the condition as regards average distribution of kinetic energy, which is ultimately fulfilled by two portions of gaseous matter, separated by a thin elastic septum which absolutely prevents interdiffusion of matter, while it allows interchange of kinetic energy by collisions against itself?

Here a septum or membrane appears, thus forming a cell whose length is about three or four times its width, and whose walls completely inclose the dark green mass of crowded granules (Fig. 1, b).

The upper part of the antheridium becomes separated from the parent stem by a septum, and its contents are converted into ciliated motile antherozoids.

Many wore two red or green or yellow macaw feathers in their hair, and one had a macaw feather stuck transversely through the septum of his nose.

The men had holes pierced through the septum of the nose and through the upper lip, and wore a straw through each hole.

An Australian custom ordained that every person must have the septum of the nose pierced and must wear in it a piece of bone, a reed, or the stalks of some grass.

As Curr remarks regarding Australians (11., 51), "The male must commonly submit, without hope of escape, to have one or more of his teeth knocked out, to have the septum of his nose pierced, to have certain painful cuttings made in his skin, ...before he is allowed the rights of manhood.

The men had large prominent cicatrices on the shoulders, and across the breast and belly, the septum of the nose was perforated, and none of the teeth had been removed.

The septum of the nose is invariably perforated, and the right central incisorrarely the left, is knocked out during childhood.

None had the artificial prominent scars on the body peculiar to the Australians, or wanted any of the front teeth, but the septum of the nose was perforated to admit an ornament of polished shell, pointed and slightly turned up at each end.

The long nose-stick of shell is only occasionally worn, although everyone, of either sex, has the septum of the nose pierced for its receptionan operation most likely performed during infancy, as I once saw that it had been done to a child about a year old.

The septum of the nose was perforated, and some wore a long straight nose-stick of bone with black bands.

This form of spine or cupas the case may be, is always distinctly separated by a septum from the cavity of the avicularium itself.

The bottom of this loculament appears to be perforated, and it is to be noticed also that there is a small central perforation in the septum separating it from the cavity of the avicularium.

23 examples of  septum  in sentences