1356 examples of soaked in sentences

They are early risers as a rule and are ready to repair to the nearest mosque directly the Muezzin's call to prayer breaks the silence of the approaching dawn, and when the prayers are over they return to a frugal breakfast of bread soaked in milk or tea and then open their shops for the day's business.

" Flack noted that the body was fully dressed, and he saw a dark stain above the breast where the blood had welled forth and soaked the dead man's clothes and formed a pool on the carpet beside him.

Thou go'st from house to house, with artichokes And mallows, oyster-plants, and such, Thy garments soaked all through and through with grease.

" XI The sun had finally broken through the clouds, and already its rays were slanting into the room, falling softly on the dusty furniture, and making the shadows of the vines outside dance fitfully on the wall by the fire; and the shadows of the elms were growing long and straight over the rain soaked leaves, and the rank, damp grass of our lawn.

And here it is no fiction about the ground being soaked with gore.

It soaked the fields, keeping green the grain which should be ripening in a clear sun.

Jim Dawson went over them in his mind as he drove the ten miles over the rain-soaked roads to Auburn to get his daily letter.

"Trying to keep the blessed thing from getting soaked," answered Bluff.

But he wasn't in the village, that was sure, and I began to get kind of anxious, because I knew the crazy state he was in, and besides he was soaked from being in the lake.

Do you want us all to get soaked to our skins?"

Before turning in he had soaked and steamed most of the ache out of bone and muscle in the hottest water his flesh would suffer; and six hours unbroken slumber had done wonders toward lessening the distress his exertions last night had occasioned in the frail new tissues of his wound.

But nobody came to bother me, so I got up when the first streak of light showed in the skythere'd been a young cloud-burst just before that, and I was soaked to my skinand struck off across the cause for God-knew-where.

The evening had proved showery; and soon after the few people present were assembled, publick notice was given, that the conductors to the wheels, suns, stars, &c., were so thoroughly water-soaked, that it was impossible any part of the exhibition should be made.

He cursed the imagination which lifted his feet from the white decks and dragged his eyes from the sparkling blue sea to the rain-soaked, smut-blackened fields riven by that long thread of bleak, turgid water.

Their condition was miserable enough, for they were soaked to the skin and shivering.

His soaked garments were placed about her; but she still shook with cold, until he became alarmed and held her in his arms, endeavoring to instill some warmth in her from his own body.

There were many kinds of skulls of animals and men on brackets fastened to the wall, and there were jars containing dead things soaked in spirit.

For a moment he lay breathing fast, water dripping from his soaked clothing.

Then, fishing in the soaked pockets of his knickerbockers, he produced a pair of smart pince-nez, which he put on, and then gazed up at her.

He exclaimed dramatically upon their soaked condition, but Piers was in too great a hurry to give any details regarding the cause of his plight.

Still there was no sense in getting more soaked than was necessary, so I began to hunt around for some sort of temporary shelter.

I just dropped peacefully down where I stood, and in spite of my bruises and my soaked clothes I don't think I had been two minutes on the ground before I was fast asleep.

Why should he be able to potter around in that comfortable self-satisfied fashion, while I, Neil Lyndon, starved, soaked, and hunted like a wild beast, was crouching desperately outside his palings?

THE THROWBACK He was born far east of the Rockies Of a pet in society's van; A wine-soaked daughter of pleasure Bred back and threw a man; A man-child who grew up a stranger, Who never could learn the way Of a people who gauge their pleasure On a line with the price they pay.

You soaked us on our cable tolls

1356 examples of  soaked  in sentences