28 examples of spirito in sentences

[Footnote: Per aver riposo Portato fu fra l'anime beate Lo spirito di

Io son lo spirito suo da lui diviso, Ch'in questo inferno tormentandosi erra, Acciò con l'ombra sia, che sola avanza, Esempio a chi in amor pone speranza.

Di più dirò; ch'agli alberi vita Spirito uman, che sente e che ragiona.

S. Spirito is one of Brunelleschi's solidest works.

Another friend, Brunelleschi, having built the church of S. Spirito in 1422, Masaccio began to work there in 1423, when he was only twenty-one.

To retain this country under subjection, he built a town called Medelin, 120 leagues from Mexico, and another named Santo Spirito, on a river four leagues from the sea[40].

The "Spirito del Campanile" as it was called, was nowhere more rampant than in the "City of the Lion and Lily," where everybody at all times seemed only too ready to disparage his fellow.

Dante says, "Con piangere e con lutto Spirito maladetto, ti rimani.

"Deh quando to sarai tornato al mondo, E riposato de la lunga via, Seguitò 'l terzo spirito al secondo, Ricorditi di me che son la Pia: Siena mi ; disfecemi Maremma; Salsi colui che 'nnanellata pria Disposando m' avea con la sua gemma.

He had a friend, the Prior of S. Spirito, for whom he carved a wooden crucifix of nearly life-size.

The Cappella dei Pazzi and the Church of S. Spirito at Florence are gems of clear-cut and harmonious dignity.

Owing to changes he suggested, the great gate of Santo Spirito, designed by Sangallo and nearly finished, was left incomplete.

A despatch written to the Duke of Parma in September 1545 informs him that the old works were being abandoned, with the exception of the grand Doric gateway of S. Spirito.

That evening, too, when I met you on the threshold with Granacci, and you left me by the shop of Pietro Osaio, and the other forenoon at S. Spirito, and to-day, it struck me as extremely strange, especially in the presence of Piloto and so many others.

The time was occupied by a very weak tenor, who came to an ignominious end in the middle of "Spirito Gentil."

La notte di natale è notte santa Lo Padre e 1' Figliolo e lo Spirito Santo.

The same is true of S. Spirito, built in 1470, after Brunelleschi's death, according to his plans.

Time would fail to tell of all the architects who crowd the first half of the sixteenth centuryof Antonio di San Gallo, famous for fortifications; of Baccio d'Agnolo, who raised the Campanile of S. Spirito at Florence; of Giovanni Maria Falconetto, to whose genius Padua owed so many princely edifices; of Michele Sanmicheli, the military architect of Verona, and the builder of five mighty palaces for the nobles of his native city.

Especially the lines, "E, se 'l libro non erra, Lo spirito maggior tremò si forte, Che parve ben, che morte Per lui in questo mondo giunta fosse.

The picture was originally painted for the church of San Spirito at Florence, belonging to the Augustines.

Arrived there, they put in a place near the river Spirito Sancto, on the coast of Monomotapa.

the "St. Mark Enthroned, with Four Saints," in Santo Spirito, afterwards removed to the sacristy of the Salute.

Santo Spirito fece ...

BRUNELLESCHI, Italian architect, born in Florence, bred a goldsmith, studied at Rome; returned to his native city, built the Duomo of the Cathedral, the Pitti Palace, and the churches of San Lorenzo and Spirito Santo (1377-1444).

Dal cor si move un spirito in vedere D'in ochi'n ochi, di femina e d'omo Per lo quel si concria uno piacere.

28 examples of  spirito  in sentences