Do we say tooters or tutors

tooters 1 occurrences

TUTORS A tutor who tooted a flute Tried to teach two young tooters to toot.

tutors 169 occurrences

Besides, young tutors had still younger pupils.

They don't mind swarming up and down stairs in a solid phalanx; they can enjoy half a dozen courses of salad, ice and strawberries, with stout gentlemen crushing their feet, anxious mammas sticking sharp elbows into their sides, and absent-minded tutors walking over them.

Public schools were unknown in that day, and what little learning was to be acquired was by private tutors.

I think he was relieved that I made no suggestion of tutors or universities, and that I took his eyeglass for granted.

Your talking Latin,said I,reminds me of an odd trick of one of my old tutors.

How industriously ought these seasons, as they offer, to be taken hold of by tutors, parents, and other friends, to whom the cultivation of the genius of children and youth is committed; since, once elapsed, and no foundation laid, they hardly ever return!And yet it must be confessed, that there are some geniuses, which, like some fruits, ripen not till late.

The philosophers of Greece were the tutors of Roman nobility.

To execute this scheme the American Convention thought that it was expedient to employ regular tutors, to form private associations of their members or other well-disposed persons for the purpose of instructing the people of color in the most simple branches of education.

The regular tutors referred to above were largely indentured servants who then constituted probably the majority of the teachers of the colonies.

It was the place where the undergraduates were fed,and where a few wretched tutors were fed at their sides.

But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father."

Even in the time of K'ang-hsi the Manchus began to forget Manchurian; they brought tutors to court to teach the young Manchus Chinese.

The "House" was very full; and had it not been for one of the tutors, the Rev. J. Lew, kindly lending him one of his own rooms, he would have had to take lodgings in the town.

"The white slaves, among the Romans, were often their rarest artists; they excelled too in science, insomuch as to be usually employed as tutors to their masters' children.

I have many instances of tutors being unable to distinguish their twin pupils.

4.Should it happen to be asked a hundred lustrums hence, what were the names of the letters in "the Augustan age of English literature," or in the days of William the Fourth and Andrew Jackson, I fear the learned of that day will be as much at a loss for an answer, as would most of our college tutors now, were they asked, by what series of names the Roman youth were taught to spell.

There would, when the answer was settled, be a 'marginal' man in point of hearing (representing, perhaps, an average healthy man of seventy-four), who would be unable or just able to hear the 'marginal' man in point of clearness of speechwho might represent (on a polygon specially drawn up by the Oxford Professor of Biology) the least audible but two of the tutors at Balliol.

He himself, he thought, was one of those few 'among the societies of men ... who engross almost the whole reason of the species, who are born to instruct, to guide, and to preserve, who are designed to be the tutors and the guardians of human kind.'

The bed was strewn with books and copygraphed sheets of instructions from his remote correspondence tutors.

Of course, in former days young Princes were educated at home by private tutors.

Pains were taken that the Roman girl of wealth should have special tutors.

Madame Washington would have taken him to Mount Vernon had it not been for the father's wish that he should grow up on his own estate, alone save for the excellent tutors with whom he has always been provided.

French culture had been introduced into the principalities by the Phanariote princes who, as dragomans of the Porte, had to know the language, and usually employed French secretaries for themselves and French tutors for their children.

Mr. Newman, with Mr. Hurrell Froude and Mr. Robert Wilberforce, had recently been appointed tutors of their college by Dr. Copleston.

Overwhelmed with business, constantly absorbed in the pursuit of adding to his income, a man of bilious temperament and a sour and impatient nature, he never grudged paying for the teachers and tutors, or for the dress and the other necessaries required by his children, but he could not bear "to nurse his squallers," according to his own expressionand, indeed, he never had any time for nursing them.

Do we say   tooters   or  tutors