304 examples of twirled in sentences

But the wind had passed on, and had met in a lane With a schoolboy, who panted and struggled in vain, For it tossed him, and twirled him, then passed, and he stood With his hat in a pool and his shoe in the mud.

" De Chauxville twirled his neat mustache, looking keenly at her the while.

His bugle horn hung at his hip and his bow and arrows at his back, while in his hand he bore a good stout oaken staff, which he twirled with his fingers as he strolled along.

So saying, he twirled his stout staff till it whistled again.

And he twirled his staff in his fingers till it whistled again.

Quite forgetting her cousin, she tossed her head, twirled her fan, gave affected little shrieks at college jokes, and talked college slang in a way that convulsed Fletcher, who enjoyed the fun immensely.

Ralph looked after him for a moment, twirled the note in his fingers, read the superscription,"To Miss Fanny Temple,"and then, laughing carelessly, lounged into the house, intent on making a third in the councils of those great captains, Mr. Jinks and the landlord.

Thus Ætna, when in fierce eruptions broke, Fills heaven with ashes, and the earth with smoke; Here crags of broken rocks are twirled on high, Here molten stones and scattered cinders fly: Its fury reaches the remotest coast, And strows the Asiatic shore with dust.

He glides through that enchanted mystic world, O'er streams with beds of gold that sweetly twirled With woven splendor 'neath the blaze of gems That crown each tree with glistening diadems.

I watched one of them, as he twirled his bowl in precisely the California style, but got nothing for his pains.

Jackson listened as he twirled pasta with his fork and spoon.

My frugal meal over, I was in the habit of visiting a neighboring café, where I read the papers, drank my evening cup of coffee, and, as I smoked my cigar or pipe and twirled my posies in my fingers or held them to my nose, would wonder who she was who sold them to me, if she ever thought of those who bought them of her, and if she distinguished me above her other customers.

So!" She twirled about him in a circle, like a gay little figurine.

The policeman twirled his stick.

The Count smiled, and he twirled the thing between his fingers, and he meditated.

Katharine twirled it in her hand, staring at the card-littered table.

He seemed a country lad, dressed in a long green coat with silver buttons, and he twirled in his disengaged hand a peasant's white hat.

She turned upon him smiling, and he perceived that in her New York version of a Parisian costume, with her lace hat of summer make and texture and the vivid parasol she twirled upon her shoulder, she was not only a very pretty girl, but a fashionable one.

Lavretsky listened to her in silence, and twirled his hat in his hands.

He twirled a button, Without a glance my way: "But, madam, is there nothing else That we can show to-day?" XIII.

" Mr. Whedell smiled, twirled his double eyeglass a few dozen times round his forefinger, and said: "My darling daughter, listen, and you will appreciate the advantages of this match.

A new waggon-wheel was taken and twirled round an axle, which had never been used before, until the friction elicited fire.

One of the sticks used in making the fire was preserved down to about the end of the nineteenth century; apparently the mode of operation was the one known as the fire-drill: a pointed stick was twirled in a hole made in another stick till fire was elicited by the friction.

On the barn floor there was dancingthat is, whoever succeeded in capturing a two-foot space twirled around on it and tried to make up by shouting for what was lacking in motion.

The police shook their heads, twirled their moustaches, and looked wise.

304 examples of  twirled  in sentences