13 examples of vinaya in sentences

When he had finished his novitiate and taken on him the obligations of the full Buddhist orders, his earnest courage, clear intelligence, and strict regulation of his demeanor, were conspicuous; and soon after, he undertook his journey to India in search of complete copies of the Vinaya-pitaka.

Where a community of monks resides, they erect topes to Sâriputtra, to Mahâ-maudgalyâyana, and to Ânanda, and also topes in honor of the Abhidharma, the Vinaya, and the Sûtras.

The professors of the Abhidharma make their offerings to it; those of the Vinaya to it.

He was one of the three leaders of the first synod, and the principal compiler of the original Vinaya books.]

"] [Footnote 5: Or the Vinaya-pitaka.

-hien's original object had been to search for copies of the Vinaya.

Here, in the mahâyâna monastery, he found a copy of the Vinaya, containing the Mahâsânghikâ rulesthose which were observed in the first Great Council, while Buddha was still in the world.

In consequence of this success in his quest -hien stayed here for three years, learning Sanscrit books and the Sanscrit speech, and writing out, the Vinaya rules.

-hien, however, whose original purpose had been to secure the introduction of the complete Vinaya rules into the land of Han, returned there alone.

CHAPTER XL ~After Two Years -hien Takes Ship for China~ -hien abode in this country two years; and, in addition to his acquisitions in Patna, succeeded in getting a copy of the Vinaya-pitaka of the Mahîsâsakâh school; the Dîrghâgama and Samyuktâgama Sûtras; and also the Samyukta-sañchaya-pitaka;all being works unknown in the land of Han.

After the summer retreat was ended, -hien, having been separated for a long time from his fellows, wished to hurry to Ch'ang-gan; but as the business which he had in hand was important, he went south to the Capital; and at an interview with the masters there exhibited the Sûtras and the collection of the Vinaya which he had procured.

From this time one may observe closer co-operation between Confucianism and Buddhism; not only with meditative Buddhism (Dhyana) as at the beginning of the T'ang epoch and earlier, but with the main branch of Buddhism, monastery Buddhism (Vinaya).

TRIPITAKA, (the three baskets), name given to the collection of the sacred books of Buddhism, as being formed of three minor collections, bearing the Sutras on discipline, the Vinaya on doctrine, and the Abidharma on metaphysics.

13 examples of  vinaya  in sentences